Octuplets... only 8 of 14 children?!

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While I think the woman is a dumba$$ like everyone else, I think it is sad that there are babies and small children getting lost in all this. Supposedly she is getting death threats now. What is wrong with people?

I know she won't do it but wouldn't it be nice if she let some of the newborns be adopted out to childless couples?
While I think the woman is a dumba$$ like everyone else, I think it is sad that there are babies and small children getting lost in all this. Supposedly she is getting death threats now. What is wrong with people?

I know she won't do it but wouldn't it be nice if she let some of the newborns be adopted out to childless couples?

IMO, a fulfilled death threat wouldn't be bad for the babies and small children. They'd have a stab at a better life if they had to be split up and adopted out.
Death threats are completely unnecessary... This woman is a nutjob, but the story has gotten out of hand and over played. I mean, there are a lot of almost as insulting responses to this women now. The death threats, the claims she's gotten plastic surgery to look like Angelina Jolie? Who cares?

though I think one good question to ask is... when does child services pay her a visit?
This "woman" (and I use the term loosely) sickens me. She has these children, cannot afford them, lives off of food stamps and her children's disability checks, and then has the nerve to ask for donations? And then to top it off, she says food stamps aren't considered welfare!

She obviously cannot afford these children, so she should do them a favor by putting them up for adoption. They'd have a much better life elsewhere, not living with their wackjob of a "mother."
Oh my goodness ...I dont even want to get started with what I have to say about this selfish human. I watched the interview with her on nbc? the other day and I felt so incredibly sick to my stomach. What the hell is she thinking?

I guess she is right where she wanted to be, though; on television.

Poor children. My heart goes out to them.
What I think is sad is that she is a single mother living at home with her mother and the octuplets and each of the other kids all have different fathers... That is a horrible thing to have to explain to those children at a later date. This woman did this all for the publicity, it does seem like and there is no excuse for that. Those children of the octuplets are going to have health problems probably due to the fact that they are multiples of such a great number and the hack that allowed her to have 8 fertlilized embryos should be brought out to the public. This is unfair to the children, her mother, her family, and the state that she lives in.
All those people live in a 3 bedroom house for crying out loud - that's what? Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, and 14 kids all in a 3 bedroom house (17 people)?!?! Can you say - overcrowded?
All those people live in a 3 bedroom house for crying out loud - that's what? Grandma, Grandpa, Mom, and 14 kids all in a 3 bedroom house (17 people)?!?! Can you say - overcrowded?

You'd be surprised these days Amanda.
My friends parents, cousins, brothers and sisters all live in the same 2 bedroom APARTMENT and there's 16 people at a time in there, pretty scary if you ask me.
I just looked at the photos of the infants on her site asking for money, and I am saddened. The children are so small!!! and they look unhealthy. Multiples like this particular situation should not be allowed. There is absolutely no reason to subject your children to a life like this. I understand having multiples naturally and that sometimes multiples do happen from proper invitro fert. procedures, but purposely having that many fertilized ovums implanted is wrong. Sorry for babbling on...
Couldnt do it. I know some people can, but that's too close for comfort. And the articles say that her house isn't exactly clean either -and the pictures show tons of clutter... clearly gonna have to be cleaned up if she's gonna have room for 8 more...

And that picture of her with her huge belly. I'm sorry, but that's just absolutely disgusting.
My grandmother raised 13 children to adulthood. Aunt Dorothy was born in 1921, when Gram was 20 and newly married, and Uncle Gary was born in 1951, just about a decade before Granddad died. She had each one individually (not even naturally occurring twins) and also lost 3 to illnesses/miscarriage. I've seen how it is to have a big family, but even though they qualified for government aid during the Great Depression and beyond, my grandparents never used it. Why? Because they knew that they were the parents and they were responsible for every child they brought into the world. They might not have been perfect parents, but at least they didn't depend on the kindness of strangers and the morbid human fascination with extremes to do their work for them. I can only hope someone wakes up every day and thinks about what's best for those children. They're the innocent victims of the greed and mental dysfunction that let this situation bloom in the first place.
What I think is sad is that she is a single mother living at home with her mother and the octuplets and each of the other kids all have different fathers... That is a horrible thing to have to explain to those children at a later date.

She explained on one of her interviews that the same man was the donor for all 14 kids. So they all have they same father.
She explained on one of her interviews that the same man was the donor for all 14 kids. So they all have they same father.

I read that too.. That they were all from the same man.. But I was thinking.. does it really matter? He's not around.

Truly sad situation.
They might not have been perfect parents, but at least they didn't depend on the kindness of strangers and the morbid human fascination with extremes to do their work for them.

Very well put.

I agree: people should not become parents to higher order multiples for the sake of the general public's reaction.

I bet you anything that's what was on her mind. "I'll give birth to these Octuplets, everybody will love me for it, I'll get deals worth millions & life will be peachy."

And because that was her mindset the public had an adverse reaction.
I agree: people should not become parents to higher order multiples for the sake of the general public's reaction.

I bet you anything that's what was on her mind. "I'll give birth to these Octuplets, everybody will love me for it, I'll get deals worth millions & life will be peachy."

And because that was her mindset the public had an adverse reaction.

While I don't agree with her decision to have more kids, I do not believe it's fair to judge her and assuming she had these children for the public's reaction or to get lots of money.

Again, I think she was very unwise, maybe not selfish, but she's really not considering others here. Gosh, her parents are supporting the children as muxh or more than she is. But these are real children and they need to be taken care of.
I'm not a mom, so I don't know what it's like to have a ton of babies running around. But I know that she was having issues affording the original 6 children that she had, she was getting money from the government for the children and a couple of them were drawing social security. Now, although that is completely none of my business what she does to her personal life, I don't agree with it.

I looked at the website of her asking for money, granted I don't agree with that either because she is already getting so much money from the government and so many talk shows gave her things the day her babies were born and yet she's asking for more?

Granted I feel completely horrible for the 8 babies in the nursery, for those of you who didn't look at her pictures it looks like each and every baby is still connected to a feeding tube, 2 of them are clearly having issues adjusting to the lights with their glasses on them to block the light from their eyes. Out of all the babies only 2 maybe 3 acutally looked somewhat healthy to me. These babies definitely didn't ask for their mom to decide to have another 8 children and it's not their fault, but Lord knows they are going to have a very difficult life ahead of them with the health problems they are probably going to share and with their living environment. I just hope that this is the last pregnancy she decides to go through.