Octuplets... only 8 of 14 children?!

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Everyone is worried money and how much these children will cost and who will pay the bills. But let me just see this from another angle...

When you have 8 kids at once, the chance of them all surviving is slim.
Plus, if they do live, then they will most likely have serious medical issues.
Let's have 8 kids and not care if they suffer... I want to be a novelty!

That makes me sick to my stomach.
So the kids can have a semi-normal life.
Those kids will never have anything similar to a normal life. As soon as kids in school find out they are all out of the same litter, their parents will know, the teachers will know, everyone will know, regardless of whether or not the mother wants to remain unknown or not.

I don't think that anyone disagrees with the health of the children either, that is what it is, a novelty. I think she's holding out on her "story" until someone offers her enough money for her "story".

Similar to health problems, what about mental problems? Has anyone from a larger family looked at an only child who gets all the attention, all of the presents, all of the time, allowance, etc, and been envious? These kids will be like that over family with 2 or 3 kids! Yea, they'll always have someone to play with but even if they mother spent one whole day with each child, that would take over 2 weeks for each child to have it's turn again, plus during that time the rest of the children would have to be with someone else.

Think about how much time those babies are going to spend alone and not being held? How much time they'll sit in a car seat or bouncer with no attention other than probably a tv. :(
Similar to health problems, what about mental problems? Has anyone from a larger family looked at an only child who gets all the attention, all of the presents, all of the time, allowance, etc, and been envious? These kids will be like that over family with 2 or 3 kids! Yea, they'll always have someone to play with but even if they mother spent one whole day with each child, that would take over 2 weeks for each child to have it's turn again, plus during that time the rest of the children would have to be with someone else. :(

Jay comes from a large family and I am an only child..I always got things from my grandparents, etc. I went to their houses on the weekends, they bought me stuff, etc....My kids are the only grandchildren/great grandchildren on either side of my family...my uncle had no kids, etc. So when my daughter goes to my grandma's house and they give her money, toys, etc, or when they bring things out of the blue for Jason, its really weird to him and he doesn't exactly like it and says they're spoiling the kids, etc....well....he never had that cause there were so many kids that they never got much attention much less thier own stuff...his mom had a kid every 2 years for 25 years! His grandparents couldn't afford to get something for each kid, so they got nothing. That is one main thing that he and I fight over, and he just doesn't get it..its not our kids fault that they get stuff from my parents and grandparents..its normal (to me anyway). But to him since he was raised the way he was...its not anywhere near normal. That is the reason for most of our spats...and no....those kids will not have any alone time with a parent...there's just no way. I have a hard time making time to have alone time with my 2 kids....I wouldn't even fathom the idea of having that many....its pure selfishness, IMO.

The main problem I have with it all is this: There are people with 1 maybe 2 children in the world that are doing everything they can do just to scrape by without public assistance, welfare, donations, etc..These people had good jobs at one time and were doing well, but lost jobs, something bad happened, etc. these are the people that should get some help...even if its just a little, but they can't. Then people like this go out and have litters upon litters of kids and everyone is breaking down doors to help them..they get money, cars, houses, free food, free diapers, etc. I think if you put yourself in that predicament, you should have to deal with it on your own. If all those companies helped people that are actually trying on their own and have legitimate reasons for needing the things they need, those companies would be looked at better than donating stuff to someone who chose to do this to themselves....maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, but I can't see it any other way at this point. I think this lady has some serious mental problems! I understand that a human life is a miracle, but come on....this is science, not a miracle. Now if she got pregnant with 8 babies on her own, without any fertility drugs, invitro, etc......then THAT would be a miracle.
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i read something online that the news gave a intview to the grandma and she said that the lady who had all the kids isn't married. and that she's leaving once the mom gets home.
The main problem I have with it all is this: There are people with 1 maybe 2 children in the world that are doing everything they can do just to scrape by without public assistance, welfare, donations, etc..These people had good jobs at one time and were doing well, but lost jobs, something bad happened, etc. these are the people that should get some help...even if its just a little, but they can't. Then people like this go out and have litters upon litters of kids and everyone is breaking down doors to help them..they get money, cars, houses, free food, free diapers, etc. I think if you put yourself in that predicament, you should have to deal with it on your own. If all those companies helped people that are actually trying on their own and have legitimate reasons for needing the things they need, those companies would be looked at better than donating stuff to someone who chose to do this to themselves....maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, but I can't see it any other way at this point. I think this lady has some serious mental problems! I understand that a human life is a miracle, but come on....this is science, not a miracle. Now if she got pregnant with 8 babies on her own, without any fertility drugs, invitro, etc......then THAT would be a miracle.

See, that's what kills me too. I work like 1-2 days per week, go to college, I can barely pay my rent and bills, and I don't qualify for any public assistance. Not like I'd really feel like stooping to the level of being on public assistance, but, for the point of argument... the one girl I work with, she just had a baby with her boyfriend (born out of wedlock), and she gets all these tax refunds for being a single mother, she's able to be on all these programs because she had a baby, she qualifies for food stamps (and she works 40 hours per week, which is like 25-32 more than I EVER work)....and I was just having this conversation with someone else the other day. It's unfair. I mean it's like the government is condoning people having babies, especially people having LOTS of babies, because the more people have, the easier it is for them to get on welfare, WIC, and every other program out there, whereas those of us without kids, who barely are paying our own way, wouldn't qualify for any help if we applied.

I also think, she chose to possibly have 8 babies. She knew that getting 8 embryos implanted left the option open for her to have all 8. Because that was intentional on her part, I think she should deal with the consequences without help. I'm sure she'll end up with the free cars and free diapers and all that... but I don't think she should. You choose to have 8 babies, fine, but I feel you better support them yourself. You wanted them, right? If companies are gonna pay for someone with 8 babies to have formula, then why shouldn't someone with 3 babies get free formula? Because they had less kids? I mean where do you draw the line? How can we say "oh its not fair for her to have to pay for all that...because she had 8 kids" - but we think it's ok for those with only a few kids to have to pay? I realize this isn't like a government funded thing, I realize it's donations from companies, but I just think it's unfair. I feel that if she should get free stuff like that, then I think so should everyone that has babies, not just unusual cases like this.

And about them all getting attention. Here's the thing. My friend with her boyfriend has a baby. One baby. Between the two of them, they are with that baby all the time, because it always needs something. HOW is this lady going to do that with 8 (plus the others she has)??? Especially being a single mother. In my mind, the only way all of her children are going to have enough quality time spent with them is for her to stay home with them AND probably have like a live-in nanny. Now, if she's staying home, she won't be working and will have to draw on the state, like a million other people who have A FEW kids (not nearly this many) and can't afford it, and in the event she somehow DOESN'T get the cars and free formula and all that, imagine her whole family with kids becoming dependent on the state. As if there aren't enough people sucking the economy and state dry as it is.

Sorry if this upsets anyone, but this is JMO.
That is just insane. The buzz about it here is mostly not supporting her. I mean, why would you want to go on fertility treatments when you have 6 kids already!? Everyone keeps saying she did it for tax deductions? I'm not from there, so I dont know about all that.

Its not a tax deduction.. Apparently after 10 kids you dont pay ANY taxes. But I dont think she did it for that. It says she was obsessed with having kids from the time she was a teenager. I think there is something wrong with her. She probably didnt feel loved enough as a child or something.
I would love to know how all these people live of the government. I made my mistakes when I was young, and my Philip came out of it. I will just say I'm greatful for everything I have and the life I have. But I can't get much help at all. I don't want welfare or foodstamps or any of that, but I had to fight tooth and nail to get health coverage, which I do pay a small amount, but I really had to fight to get that help, and he has asthma and won't be covered by other insurance. What am I doing wrong? These kids will deffinately not have the attention they deserve, and as an adopted person who has found their biological family (which is huge), and seen both sides, how can people do things like this when so many people just want one child to raise and love, and there are all those children in foster care who need someone? It kind of makes me a little sick. Now I think is the time for the vomiting emoticons.
I would love to know how all these people live of the government. I made my mistakes when I was young, and my Philip came out of it. I will just say I'm greatful for everything I have and the life I have. But I can't get much help at all. I don't want welfare or foodstamps or any of that, but I had to fight tooth and nail to get health coverage, which I do pay a small amount, but I really had to fight to get that help, and he has asthma and won't be covered by other insurance. What am I doing wrong?

I mean I honestly can't say what you're doing wrong, but one of my friends knows someone who works in one of those public service agencies, and she said some families/single-parents with one children can qualify for what amounts to about a maximum of $40,000 worth of public benefits a year. That's with like welfare and WIC and all of that stuff...

And while I don't really agree that people should mooch off the government... I'd sure like $40,000 worth of free money per year... but I'm not sure how the people who get that actually do get that... I imagine they have a million kids, refuse to get a job or can't cause they have no skills....
I don't want to mooch off the government, but I'm trying to find a part time job, because my mother needs me to help her. My parents help us alot for this reason, but health insurace shoouldn't be so hard for people who make an effort in all other ways. But put me in Mexico, next to the fertility bank with money in hand, I can still find better ways to help my other children I may have with it,, hypothetically speaking.
Similar to health problems, what about mental problems? Has anyone from a larger family looked at an only child who gets all the attention, all of the presents, all of the time, allowance, etc, and been envious?

That woman has seriously screwed those children up just by bringing them into the world and I couldn't agree more with you, humans are meant to have children, not litters like a dog because we can't emotionally or physically handle it. Back in the stone age, those kids would have died since last time I checked, humans only have two mammories to feed their young. Crazy, crazy people. I'm scared to death to have just one!
that's crazy. IMO 6 kid she already had is more than enough, more so she was alone, living with her parents with no money. I can't believe any Dr. would implent that much embryo. The sad thing is that those kids are really young preemies and might have trouble later on and I'm not sure the mom with have the time/ability to stimulate them. It's crazy when you think in my province's daycare, you can't have more than 4 kids (under 18 months) per educator.
I blame it on the doctor/(s) that implanted all those embryos, especially if she had 6 kids before. Now she has a publicist so everyone will be making money off these 8 babies which is so sad.
My uterus just hurts thinking about carrying all of those babies. I cannot even wrap my brain around having 8 babies and 6 more at home by myself. I have three (13, 8 and a 6) and there are times I want to run away from home. How is she going to take care of 8 infants and pay attention to the other six? When I was state licensed for home daycare we are only allowed to have six and only two can be infants.. That woman is insane!
To add even a little more crazy to the picture, her 6 oldest children are all twins. That's right, they are THREE sets of twins.