Octuplets... only 8 of 14 children?!

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SHE used fertility drugs. She chose to have 8 embryos implanted, there is no mention of a father. She lives with her mother and father. Last year she filed bankruptcy and had her house foreclosed.

14 children under the age of 8. The state needs to step in and take some away because the state is going to end up caring for them anyway.

I also heard on the radio today she is a young mother. How young can she be? Geeze.
With all the new info coming out now I do find this situation very sad :( and just wonder WHY she wanted to do this?

With two kids I worry about being able to give them everything they need... I KNOW I could not provide for more.
From the interview I read from her father, about moving to a "big house you'll never find," [paparazzi] he's all for it, and willing to support everyone! Must be well off!
Seriously a person can't run a daycare with that many kids without having someone to help.

what's more, no one would give them a license to run one.

further more, assuming fertility drugs were involved, who is the fool MD who agreed to help a couple that already has 8 kids???
With all the new info coming out now I do find this situation very sad :( and just wonder WHY she wanted to do this?
Perhaps she's counting on TLC giving her a show. I think it's sad that TV is glamorizing these kinds of situations and making others think it's a good idea.

With two kids I worry about being able to give them everything they need... I KNOW I could not provide for more.
That's because you're a responsible person and not looking for someone else to come in and solve your problems and pay your way.
I heard that she is a young mother, with 6 other kids, no father, and she went to mexico to get the fertility treatments. Such an idiot if i do say so myself.
what's more, no one would give them a license to run one.

further more, assuming fertility drugs were involved, who is the fool MD who agreed to help a couple that already has 8 kids???

can someone say ADD??? LOL.

didn't know she was a single mom when i posted previously but i did know she had 6 (not 8) kids at home.

i am all for welfare (that is a good use of my tax money as far as i can tell) but the kids need to be taken from her and placed with NORMAL people. the woman is clearly mentally unhealthy.
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From what i've heard rumor has it she had to have gone to Mexico in order to find a quack willing to do it.

Crazy. Not only to have that many kids you can support, but to her body!The human body wasnt made to have a litter! YIKES! Hopefully things will work out for her & those poor kids. Hopefully they will have a fairly normal life.
There is a good chance with that many at once that there could be long term health issues with these children.To do what she did is very selfish.She thought of herself and what she wanted and not the welfare of these children.
I find the very thought absolutely horrifying. I'm currently pregnant with my first, and that's enough to worry about!
They interviewed her mom today who is absolutely horrified and told her daughter "when you come home, I'll be gone", she's single, jobless, and ALL of her kids were via vitro because she is unable to have them, her mom said she's been obsessed with having children since she was a teenager.

That's bad when your own parents are disgusted with you.
What makes me sad is that those kids will never get enough one on one attention, and chances are they will live off donations from companies who want to look good for "helping someone out". Like that last set, they got two vans, car seats, formula, diapers for life ( until they were potty trained) and all kinds of stuff free, then she wrote a book about it and is making money off that.

No one has said, but I'd bet that fertility drugs were involved, people just do not have that many children naturally. Personally I don't think it's a "miracle" I think it's disgusting.

I just want to make sure it's clear, I'm not saying that CHILDREN are not a miracle, but that people take tons of drugs to have that many, and the video sounded like they lived with one of the sets of parents because it said the grandparents were overwhelmed that they are taking care of 6 kids, and they will be having 8 more to take care of. Seriously a person can't run a daycare with that many kids without having someone to help.

Yes but that couple also thanks every person who has done anything. They acknowledge thateveryone. Also they donate to children cancer research and other childrens charities. They don't just sit there with their hands out looking for charity.
Wow, that is so sad. She really has a disease and should get those kids taken away. That is just not normal. Without family support, how the heck can she possibly support and raise all those poor kids?
That is just insane. The buzz about it here is mostly not supporting her. I mean, why would you want to go on fertility treatments when you have 6 kids already!? Everyone keeps saying she did it for tax deductions? I'm not from there, so I dont know about all that.
This has made me SO angry. I sincerely believe that the #1 problem in the world is overpopulation. I believe most of the horrors of the world can be attributed to this. It is probably the idea I am most passionate about.

I think this is a absolutely unethical. I do not think that she should have been allowed to go through fertility treatments after she already had 6 kids. I know this is against most notions of freedom, but really, it is not fair to the 6 kids she already has and it is not fair to the 8 she just had. They will never experience the freedom their mom has because of the situation she has put them in.

I think that fertility treatments have to be reexamined now. 6 fertilized eggs were implanted into a woman and she may have 1 or 2 children from it when this procedure first came to be. Now it seems as if a lot more are developing into children a lot more frequently. Perhaps the science has gotten a lot better, they know what they're doing better, it's working better. Why not implant 2 or 3?

Absolutely abhorrent. I cannot even think about this anymore.
Yes but that couple also thanks every person who has done anything. They acknowledge thateveryone. Also they donate to children cancer research and other childrens charities. They don't just sit there with their hands out looking for charity.

This lady also said that she would not "profit from her children" what do you call taking expensive donations? She wrote a book ABOUT being a mother to that many children, isn't that profiting from it? I think its' wrong and not natural, if you want to meddle with the strings of the universe by creating children who are scientific experiments, that's fine, but everything in moderation. There are TONS of children waiting to be adopted... maybe instead is worrying only about a child who comes out of your body they should look into adopting children who already exist and need love.
I think its' wrong and not natural, if you want to meddle with the strings of the universe by creating children who are scientific experiments, that's fine, but everything in moderation. There are TONS of children waiting to be adopted... maybe instead is worrying only about a child who comes out of your body they should look into adopting children who already exist and need love.

I have a feeling that it's easier to go through fertility treatments than to adopt children.. Do you think this woman with 6 children already would have been allowed to adopt? I don't. It's just sad. Sad that this is OK, you can do it if you have the money, no questions asked. But if you wanted to adopt a child you'd have to jump through hoops and prove prove prove that you'd be a good parent..
This is just sick. I mean I feel that people who have 3 kids and don't work are really a burden on the state, much less someone with 14. Like others have said, she didn't have kids, she had a litter. It's not natural, and to me, I mean someone said that it's not even ethical of a clinic to implant that many embryos... so she must have intended for many of them to work and to have lots of kids. I mean... why? Most people don't actually want to have 8 kids.. and I mean it's hard enough to give attention to twins, much less to 8 kids... I mean is she ever going to sleep? Just nuts.... but JMO...

And I agree, I imagine it IS easier to go through fertility treatments than to go through adoption...but if she filed for bankruptcy, how did she afford the fertility treatments? I mean I'm sure they're cheaper in Mexico, but surely she had to get to Mexico and they still probably cost a pretty penny...
I think it is amazing. Unnatural but amazing. I hope she does remain anonomus. So the kids can have a semi-normal life. Not having a tv show or something.
But I don't agree that the kids will not have one on one time. It can happen. Maybe it will. Maybe it won't. I know if I had that many I would make a way to give the kids that time. Its important for the kids.