Severely Matted Fur

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Jan 18, 2022
Our female chin has several portions of severely matted fur near her umm...hoo hoo? vagina? and maybe anus.

It's hard to tell because she lets us pet her and scratch under her chin but WILL NOT let us pick her up with out fighting and shedding hair she wiggles so badly you can't keep a hold of her and if you try to turn her over she goes bonkers.

I can feel dime and quarter size very very bad matted fur maybe up to (4) places...we've had her for 3 years and this has never happened.

I can touch them but can not even think about lightly pulling I think they hurt her?

She has NEVER let us comb her. She trusts us but like I said picking her up she goes bonkers. I would never try to cut them off as even with two people one holding her I think we'd cut her by accident.

Am I going to end up taking her to a vet?
The easiest way to take care of that is to grab them firmly at the very base and give a quick tug to pull them out. I know this will freak you out a bit, but it's very safe to hold a chinchilla securely by the tail if you hold them at the very base, with your hand up close to their butts. You can rest her on your leg, gently lift her back end, and remove those mats of fur.

I promise you, even if it sounds barbaric, it isn't if you do it correctly. Never, EVER pick a chin up by the tail if you are near the end. You must always have a firm grasp up near their tushies. You'll end up with less fur blown out and it'll be over quickly. I don't comb my chins. If they end up with a mat, which is rare, then I give a quick tug and pull them out.
o_O OMG my heart is pounding just thinking about it I will try but she's very skittish she's let me lift her like that only if she has something in front of her that has ALL her attention - I'll have to bring out the treat box I got off of etsy that might work