Anyone else play Frontierville?

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you needed 3 coffee cups apparently you get them from the Inn - I got all mine from very nice neighbors, not a one did I get from the Inn
Sure, just my luck, onto the dumb egg one, and I have 5 speckled eggs, you only need 4, but I don't have enough of the brown or white ones. Anyone need a speckled one and want to trade for one of the other ones if they have an extra one??
One thing I learned is post those tools! I know you want to skip but everyone seems to need them lol!
Can anyone verify if they noticed marked changes in taking the classes? I've only taken 3 classes so far and I haven't seen much of a difference. I spent a bunch of ribbons on one where I thought I would be able to hire more neighbors daily, when in fact it was how many neighbors you can have visit. I don't feel like I have many people visiting me
:( I'm currently doing how to get more XP when harvesting. I just don't see how ya'll get 3000 food--I can barely keep 1000 food and sometimes I use it all to get all my animals fed, and trees harvested as well as the crops! Who has any really good secrets to share?
Alli, if your school is done then finish the lesson where you get more of a chance to revieve collectables. then start building a second coop. Do all the whacks, then delete, and build another. :D
Thats how I got that goal down in less than an hour.

Laurie, I've noticed a difference with the collectable goal. Not ones I always need but I still get a lot of collectables
Bonne I have a second coop going--you say to whack it till it's done but not collect the painting materials? I didn't think you received anything from just whacking it! I thought it had to be complete--so whack it 33 times and then delete without finishing? Sounds less aggravating them begging for supplies!
Alli, I sent you a brown egg. Laurie, yes, you gets eggs for just whacking it.

I need more money. Has anyone figured out what gives the most money? I can't plant enough peanuts because I don't have the money.

I'll take any extra eggs. I'm not to that goal yet, but I know I'll need them. ;)

Also, Becky - are you using this site?

You can see all the bonuses posted by your Frontierville Friends all in one place. There are lots of coin bonuses that you can click on to get some extra moolah! Once you click one and it asks if you want to accept, just click yes, then close that window. Then you can click on the next bonus.
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Yeah, I already did that one Bonnie, back when I needed some other things. And that's what I've been doing, but it takes all my money!

And Laurie, I do think it makes a difference, I get a lot more collectibles, but the one where it lowers the price at market only lowered the chicken coop by $1000!

And thanks for the egg Becky! Now all I need is 2 white ones
I'm on the dang egg challenge! I've got two brown and two white and no speckled lol! I like to plant sunflowers the most because the sunflower collection gives you 8 energy when you turn it in. I also find eggplant to be very profitable if you have the time to play quite a bit throughout the day.

My goals right now are the getting enough groundhogs to clobber, selling off my geese, and now the egg one!

Thanks everyone for sending me ribbons! I do need them to complete the schoolhouse lessons.
Bonne I have a second coop going--you say to whack it till it's done but not collect the painting materials? I didn't think you received anything from just whacking it! I thought it had to be complete--so whack it 33 times and then delete without finishing? Sounds less aggravating them begging for supplies!

I recieved all my eggs from whacking it. So I don't know.
Allison was nice enough to send me a couple of eggs so I only need 1 speckled I think and I'm done. I'll do some more whacking when I get home lol! I can't believe how many freaking geese you have to raise lol! And where are all the groundhogs when you need them on the groundhog challenge? Before the challenge I would get a groundhog everytime I harvested. Now I'm getting like only 1 a day!
I'm on the stupid sunflower goal and i keep tending everyones sunflowers and they aren't counting towards my goal. Am I missing something? I did get the withered goal but the tending one is baffling.
Leah, I think you have to actually harvest your neighbors sunflowers, rather than just water them. I did that one not too long ago and the wording is kinda confusing.