Anyone else play Frontierville?

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You can buy skulls, at least they were there a day or two ago under specials, bu they're 8 horseshoes a piece, not worth it to me!
alli I swore I could not find them today lol! Here's to hoping when I get home after being gone for 10 hours a skull might have popped up! As it is I'll be on the dang skull and hunting goal for quite sometime. And I guess I'm not in a hurry if I know a zillion peanuts are next lol! I've already sworn I am not buying 50 geese at one time, so I guess playing in moderation is how it's going to be for me lol! I am nearly done with my feeding 150 chickens thank goodness!
For me, skulls popped up the next day I went, so when I went to bed there weren't any but then the next morning I've always had a new one.
UG I haven't had any skulls for days now! I cleared a bunch of my crops off the side where skulls and cacti used to be rampant so here's hoping I have one when I get home lol!
I'm on to the dumb peanuts now. I imagine this is going to take a couple weeks.. The upside is that now I don't need to visit the game as often! haha
No freaking skulls! I caved in a bought one. I'm hoping after I clear it another will grow in it's place!
I've discovered that I can not count. I'm on the sell 50 adult geese challenge and after days of feeding the little buggers so they can grow up all adult like, I only have 48 of them - arghhhhhhhhhh so i bought 2 more and now have to WAIT more days to finish the darn challenge. sigh.... needed to vent here because you are the only ones that will understand how much this stinks.
Does this happen to anyone else--I am playing the game, harvesting crops and feeding animals and when I run low on energy or want to buy more crops if I click on market it will not load. Everytime I want to plant I have to exit the game and come back in! It's quite annoying!

And also NO skulls! I moved all my geese to a pen leaving space empty behind my Inn hoping they would appear, well I have flipping grass, wildflowers and trees but no skulls! ARG!

And then on groundhog challenge of clobbering 21 I accidentally used myself and clobbered 6 of them but they don't count because my husband, Alex 0' or my kid, Kale, were supposed to be the clobberers! ARG!

Also none of the mystery boxes that were sent to me made it to me. I accepted about 6 of them yesterday but they did not show up as gifts or in my inventory.
I'm glad it's not just me! I had to have Crysta hijack my account the other day to name my husband and kid for me so Theresa can't be stealing Alex O away!

I didn't have the patience to play this afternoon, we'll see how far I get tonight when I'm home.
I'm on to the dumb peanuts now. I imagine this is going to take a couple weeks.. The upside is that now I don't need to visit the game as often! haha

Very true. I still visit like 3 times a day like I used to, and there is never anything to do now. :p
Lol, its a family game. You're kid doesn't need to be seeing that while he works. haha

Alli, I might take longer than a couple weeks. Takes 4 days for them things to grow. haha I still check mine every chance I get so that I can accept those who worked on my frontier so others can too. If only allows so many people to help on your farm at a time. Like if you're off all day and only 4 people are on your frontier to help....there was more than that, but they wont show up.
The more help I get, the faster those darn things grow haha
When I'm on peanuts I'm just going to take my dang time! You can do more than one goal at a time, so I'm not going to just plant peanuts. I mean for frak sake it's taking me forever to clobber groundhogs!
Yeah, I'm sure it will take longer than that, I'm planting mine in intervals. Some one one day, more the next etc. So after 4 days I'll have some to harvest, plant more, then the next day there will be more. That way it will keep it more interesting for me.

I know there's more goals, but I can't do them because I can't finish my fricken chicken coop! I need more building supplies :(