Anyone else play Frontierville?

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alrighty. I wanted to ask before I did it and waste a bunch of my flax tomorrow!

I don't really like these ones that take forever..
Basically my entire fronteir is peanuts right now. With them taking approx. 4 days, and me having 180 planted at one time I'm thinking like a month. Haha.
Do any of you higher up people have building supplies you don't need since you're done with all your buildings? I'm struggling getting my chicken coop done because everyone keeps sending me school supplies, but I don't need those yet!
FYI Allison buildings are nonstop! lol! I'm currently building a 2nd chicken coop to try to prepare myself for the goal of 4 each special eggs! ai carumba! I'm absolutely sure I can spare something for my good friend Allison though! Remember to post daily from the item you are building in addition to putting it on your wish list, we can respond to the item you are building when it posts and we can respond or gift to your wish list so you can get alot more items that way.
I'm off the frontier for a week. :cry3: Husband took his computer on a business trip, and this old one I'm using won't load anything fancy. Pffffft. I guess my frontier will be totally overgrown by the time I see it next but hopefully I'll have collected loads of building supplies in the meantime!
Laurie, for the chicken coop one, you can just build the coop and delete it before you need the building supplies and then redo that again and again until you get the eggs you need. That way it only uses up energy and wood, not your supplies :))
Allison good to know lol! I had no idea! kate I'll send you building stuff daily so you're good to go when you get back to the game! BTW I'm on the challenge from he!! I have to have my spouse or child scare 7 bears, clobbering 4 snakes and clobber 8 groundhogs. Groundhogs I'm not worried about I get them daily sometimes twice! I barely have any trees left though for the dang bears! ug!!! I had to move some of my crops around so the snakes and grass will reapper though, hopefully this works!
uhh Laurie, it's 21 groundhogs, I'm on that one too. But I have everything but the groundhogs, which shouldn't be hard with all my dang crops!

And if you do leave open spots, especially in the corners things will reappear, I had to do that for skulls
Allison it IS 21 groundhogs dang it! I just got my 7 bears though lol! good thing Frontierville knows only my husband does the clobbering! I found that if I don't have crops all the way to the edge of my field then cactus, skulls and grass reappear so I'm trying to keep that area clean for a couple days to get through this. These goals are pretty fun but they can be a pain!
Allison it IS 21 groundhogs dang it! I just got my 7 bears though lol! good thing Frontierville knows only my husband does the clobbering! I found that if I don't have crops all the way to the edge of my field then cactus, skulls and grass reappear so I'm trying to keep that area clean for a couple days to get through this. These goals are pretty fun but they can be a pain!

I think we're on the same goal Laurie. I did that some of those yesterday and I forgot to use my husband and child.
Bonne I'm glad I didn't get rid of about 20 of my trees! woot! I got all 7 of my bears today chopping down about 4 trees. I'm hacked off because I'm positive I saw where you could be skulls--I planned on buying some for my kid to clear but today I looked and nope no skulls! I had to move some of my crops around in the hopes they grow!
hmmm Michelle I must be doing something wrong, I can't find you by email either - my profile pic is of a grey and pink stuffed animal
you got it - I was trying to find her by mutual friends, but none of the names showed any mutual friends.