Anyone else play Frontierville?

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Yeah, I'm sure it will take longer than that, I'm planting mine in intervals. Some one one day, more the next etc. So after 4 days I'll have some to harvest, plant more, then the next day there will be more. That way it will keep it more interesting for me.

I know there's more goals, but I can't do them because I can't finish my fricken chicken coop! I need more building supplies :(

Thats the way I did mine Alli. I see if I can get some supplies for you.

Laurie, some goals take a lot of time. Like the stupid cow goal lol I was stuck forever due to a few goals taking forever.
Yes, I do post them every day, I then delete them after a day so my whole profile isn't all Frontierville
Can you add some building supplies to your "wanted" section? Like what others can see when they scroll over you at the bottom of the screen? Does that make sense? I have some extras.
They are in there now. Before it was a ruler and something else. I don't remember what now. :p I sent you a bit of everything. Hope it helps.
I can't tell whats there for me. is it the same as the wishlist because I can't seem to add the stuff I needed to build on there. :(
Yeah, it's the wishlist. To add the building supplies you need to go to your inventory and add them to the list through there.
I finished my chicken coop yay!!! Of course now I'm stuck again lol. I need some more planks dangit! I've been cutting down my trees and not collecting the items because I was sick of it, but I should have been!
nope you cannot make planks! As I too am trying to get them to make freaking sawhorses for a challenge. I've planted more trees in the hopes of getting a couple more and I also have them on my wish list. My next challenge is the loom challenge--anyone have that one yet?
I have the loom one, it's pretty easy, I just can't finish because you need 15 flax and I'm not waiting up tonight for them to mature, so I'll finish it tomorrow :)
I have a welcome mat, ribeyes,scrambled eggs... anyone need anything??
you make planks in your wagon. it takes money and wood.

Oh my gosh, you are my hero!

I also have rope if anyone still needs any of that

uhhh I need one more tools! Can anyone visit somone's homestead and post it so I can get a tool? Or send me one?
Becky are we frontierville/facebook friends? you wouldnt have a coffee cup to spare would you? edited to add - (sis just sent me coffee cup, im all set with that challenge)
what the heck?! I thought you got planks from trees! aye yi yi! I'll be finishing that goal when I get home then! Great now I'll get stuck with the peanuts!

jeanne I haven't had the coffee challenge yet, what was it?