She's gonna blow!!!!

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Man, Wendy...I was getting ready to hate you until I got to read that Efreet isn't the one that popped! :neener: Hopefully Artemis will go tomorrow. I was feeling for babies today and felt three individual kit spines/butts, lol. They are big and wiggling like crazy in there AND the brat has milk!! Why milk and no babies??????:hair:
I know how you are feeling. I've got one I have no idea when she is due but she is massive for her size. She normally weighs 700 grams and is pushing 1000 grams. Her first litter was triplets-so my guess is triplets again. Hopefully I will be lucky and get all whites from her.
Dearest, wonderful, beautiful Artemis,

Why would you have milk and no babies? That's just silly. You are a silly girl, I've seen pictures. Please have your babies soon before Tab shakes them out of you. :neener:

The kits must be just too happy inside need to "show" them how much fun they'll have in the outside world! :)
It's the dreaded inverted nipple syndrome, they're nursing on the inside. Mama chin did it so you wouldn't sell any more of her babies Lol
just remember tomorrow is another day...i have been watching and laughing guess its a good thing i never know when they are due and don't count the days i went through that with my son...oh wait he was 6 weeks early can't relate there either

post pictures please
My mother told me I was two weeks late being born, and it serves me right having to wait on the chins after what I put her through! She seems a bit vindictive after 42 years...
Well...crud Wendy! I was born almost a month late! These evil chins must know about it...I have GOT to stop talking about myself around them! Artie is getting REALLY uncomfortable. I keep telling her to push...and then she pushed my hand away. NOT the pushing I'm talking about!!!
Just squeeze them out of her already. A few good squishes should get them all out.
stairs....stairs and stairs!! I did stairs (after moving 3 times in a week) and my daughter was born 6 weeks EARLY...
:rofl: OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH MY GOSH!! Kitchen tongs.
Heck just put her in a frosting bag and pipe those little kits out. ( snorts )

One big ebony so far. Then I had to leave for work (how much does that suck?!) But she finally caved and gave birth!!

Updates later today! :dance3:
Yay! It's about time!! :D Here's hoping for two beautiful girls when you get home. ;)

Thanks!! But with the number of girls I already have at home, I'd be thrilled with a girl and a boy! Heck, I'm thrilled with anything healthy!! I was so tired of waiting. Now I'm just waiting to go home... ;)