CBD candle around chin?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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anything lit up, smoked, or vaped I could never do near Ellie or Abby’s room.
But when I first got my chinchillas I wasn’t 100% sure if it either. So I researched first and that’s what this topic sounds like. No harm asking to make sure of things that can be harmful to them, of course . To find out what exact ways it can hurt them and never even think of doing it.
It's impressive that you're doing your research to make sure you're not unknowingly exposing your chinchillas, Ellie and Abby, to anything harmful. Chinchillas are sensitive creatures, and it's essential to consider their well-being. The fact that you're asking these questions and being proactive shows how much you care for them. Better safe than sorry, right?
It's impressive that you're doing your research to make sure you're not unknowingly exposing your chinchillas, Ellie and Abby, to anything harmful. Chinchillas are sensitive creatures, and it's essential to consider their well-being. The fact that you're asking these questions and being proactive shows how much you care for them. Better safe than sorry, right?
These little furballs are indeed sensitive creatures, and it's crucial to be mindful of their environment and what you expose them to.
Asking questions and doing research, like you're doing, is a sure sign of a responsible pet owner. After all, better safe than sorry when it comes to our furry friends, right?
It's impressive that you're doing your research to make sure you're not unknowingly exposing your chinchillas, Ellie and Abby, to anything harmful. Chinchillas are sensitive creatures, and it's essential to consider their well-being. The fact that you're asking these questions and being proactive shows how much you care for them. Better safe than sorry, right?

If you have any more questions or need specific information related to your chinchillas, a visit to a cannabis UK might be a good idea. They often have insights on various aspects of pet care too.
These little furballs are indeed sensitive creatures, and it's crucial to be mindful of their environment and what you expose them to.
Asking questions and doing research, like you're doing, is a sure sign of a responsible pet owner. After all, better safe than sorry when it comes to our furry friends, right?

Chinchillas can be particularly sensitive to certain scents and substances, so your concern about a CBD candle around their chin area is entirely valid. Their well-being should always come first.
If you ever want to explore some interesting pet-friendly products or just want to treat yourself, I recently came across an online head shop. They might have some cool options worth checking out.
I personally wouldn’t burn a CBD candle near a chinchilla. Their lungs are really sensitive, and even normal candles might cause them some issues. Adding CBD to the air could be risky since there’s no way to know how it might affect them.
I personally wouldn’t burn a CBD candle near a chinchilla. Their lungs are really sensitive, and even normal candles might cause them some issues. Adding CBD to the air could be risky since there’s no way to know how it might affect them.
If you’re looking to relax without any worry about your pets, you might want to try Exhale Wellness gummies for yourself instead. It’s a safer option that doesn’t involve burning anything around your chinchilla.
Scented lavender & any herbal candle in a candle holder. When I say in mean as a lantern so it can't be knocked, or any way harm our precious pets.