New chinchilla to love and spoil

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I was scrolling through kijiji yesterday afternoon and was surprised to see a chin for sale not far from me. I wasn't really expecting to find another chin anytime soon, they are not common around here so even though the old cage isn't ready for a chin yet I jumped at the chance. After a few back and forth messages with the seller I met her in town to get my new little boy. He is around 6 years old and named Pikachu, it's the name they gave him but he seems to know is name so I might keep it (not to mention the carrier he came in even kind of looks like a poké ball too, lol). He is actually pretty friendly though (he actually likes being petted!), just understandably a bit unsure of the new home, but he happliy ate last night so that is a good sign. Aside from the carrier he came with a cage, but it's not the best or even in the best shape so he will be getting moved to the Ferret Nation cage as soon as I get it ready (needs to be cleaned, have some minor repairs, and set back up). He didn't come with much in the cage though, just food bowl, water bottle, cooling tile, and a hanging house, along with basic supplies like the food, hay, and shavings, but that's it. 🙁 He seems overjoyed with me adding some toys and a couple more items to the cage so far though.
Pikachu is so cute! Love his big ears.
Congratulations on you new little one. How is he settling in?
He is doing great, he as gained a bit of weight (was on the thin side when I got him), and is really friendly. He actually gets mad if he doesn't get his nightly petting and chin scratch before I go to bed. It's nice to have a chin to greet me in the morning when I get up again. He also enjoys watching what I am doing or watching on my computer, so the other night I left a Cat tv video playing all night on YouTube for him. It was really cute when I went to bed he was sitting at his food bowl eating and watching my screen. My husband told me when he got up the next morning Pikachu was sitting on his log tunnel still watching, and even pushed his hand away at first when he tried to give him a blade of hay. (I hand picked and dried some thick blades of timothy hay to use as bonding "treats")

I've also picked and dried a whole bunch of different treats for him, so far he likes everything 😁, I just need to wait a couple more months for the rosehips to be ready to harvest and see how he likes those.

I did change up the cage a bit too, and put the middle level back in (which was a literal pain, I dropped the top of the cage on my foot 😖). He seems to be more interested in going into tunnels and things, I also bought him a large terracotta pot to sleep in, so I needed more actual floor space.
I really love how each chin is unique, the set up I had for my previous two is not the same as what will work for Pikachu, so even though it's the same cage, it doesn't look the same and he hangs out in different spots. The only thing he hasn't figured out yet is the flying saucer wheel, which does kind of make me sad, the previous two loved it, but I haven't removed it just yet, hopefully he'll figure it out eventually.
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