Pro Cage Cleaner Champion
Thank you for sharing, this is good to know.
I was very frightened by this when the thread was first put up...I'm glad you posted. Definitely, proceed rationally is the best advice.
You can vaccinate for bacteria. Tetanus & tuberculosis are caused by bacterial infection and we vaccinate for that. Leptospirosis & lyme disease are bacterial infections in dogs that we vaccinate against as well. The vaccines are either made with a a form of the bacteria or a modified version of the toxin the bacteria produces. A vaccine just strengthens the immune system by introducing the body to the organism and allowing the body to produce antibodies against it - it isn't isolated to just viruses.
If you google it you'll see there are cases where it has jumped to almost all species but it is unusual. Strep equi Zoo has been documented more frequently, oddly in many cases the sick animals have never been near a horse.Speaking of dogs, is it possible that Streptoccus equi can be passed to dogs?