If it was an abscess that burst, it's going to need to heal from the inside out, so keeping it open is very important. You don't want her digging at it and making it more infected, but having it drain is not a bad thing. It'll probably make her fur icky though.
For now, hold on the Tinactin, since you don't even know if it is fungus. Use the Blu-Kote with a Q-tip around her nose, "just in case." It won't hurt her if it's not fungus and it will help if it is. Use the antibiotics and you can treat the wound with Blu-Kote, but it is going to make it harder to see the progress.
As far as the Revolution, many, many hedgie people use it, but I have been told by two vets now that they don't trust it. They much preferred that I use Ivermectin on my rats because of reactions that had been happening with the Revolution. Again, many hedgie people swear by it, but if the Ivermectin works just as well, and I know it's safe, that's what I prefer to use. I know that's what the vet/rancher uses on his chins, a measured dose between the shoulder blades.