Oh. Well....I am hesitant to wait that long.....but I don't want her to get sick from licking the cream. Part of the hair loss is on her nose! If I go to the vet, though...he will just give me that conofite.
You make a good point. The cream I have is specifically for animal use so I'd assume it would be OK for chins but chins are sensitive animals and what is good for us as humans or dogs may not be okay for them. I'm sorry I'm not much more help, I did not use the cream and I do not know if it caused ill effects in chins.
The ingredient in Blu-Kote (gentian violet) is the same ingredient used in a baby's mouth when they have thrush, so no, it won't hurt them if ingested. The creams on the other hand can. Read the label. Does it say "Do not ingest" or "If ingested contact whoever immediately?" If it does, then I wouldn't put it around the mouth. I would think though that if you rub it in very well, so that it's all absorbed, there wouldn't be much ingestion anyway.
I might just use a little cream on her tonight before playtime so I can rub it in well and watch her so it doesn't get licked too soon. She is hyper during playtime so she will let it dry .
Well..I got the gentian violet for babies from the drug store. Putting it on her was horrendous! She is too young and not used to being restrained. Burrito style didn't work because It didn't restrain her head and didn't allow me access to the shoulder. I was able to get mostly enough on the shoulder....tried to get her nose before she loses whiskers but she wouldn't have it and it doesn't disperse well....just got on the fur and not the skin. I don't know how we will do that every night. My poor beige Bunny looks like Hitler with a purple mustache! She or Pepper has otherwise chewed her coat (no skin showing other than the mentioned spots....so she has a bad hairdo, too!)
Any other suggestions? How often should I giver her the dust bath with the powder in it.....I don't want to dry her out, but I want her to get enough treatment.....specially since I can't get her nose real well. I hope that violet crud comes out of her fur and skin (particularly the nose that got a bit on the tip).
I'd give her a dust bath every second day and put the gentian violet on 2x a day.
It sometimes helps to cover their faces, I've found. So do a reverse burrito, in a sense, for the neck area. As for the nose, try putting her on her back while she's burrito'ed. Sometimes they are more comfortable in different positions. Do you have anyone available that can help out?
You'll have a purple chin for awhile! Kumiko is a pink white and he was purple for almost a full year!
That's on a white chin, lol. And I've treated the nose & neck areas. It will probably last a good few months, but it is worth it if you are treating the fungus. Once the hair starts growing back it won't be as noticable. Trust me, it's the lesser of two evils.
My chin is light beige.....so still pretty light. This royally sucks. I have to throw out half their stuff, dye her purple under duress, and worry everytime I touch anything that belongs to them.
Yep, it's probably one of the most stressful things I've had to deal with. But the upside is that it does go away and it does get better. It could be a whole lot worse!
Unless you plan to show your chin, having some purple around the nose isn't a big deal. It's one of the safest ways to treat fungus, so I'll take a purple nose over an ingested antifungal medication any day.
You have to use the Blu-Kote twice a day for 5 days. You should start to see healthy (nondry, scaly skin) by that time.
If you're really worried about touching their stuff, get some rubber gloves at Wal-Mart or Walgreens and wear them when you have to handle her. I use them now whenever I use Blu-Kote to avoid the blue hand mess.
I had a beige chin that I took in (my favorite color chin!) and he also had ringworm. I had to use both oral medication, which was messy to administer and expensive, and I chose to use Blu-kote to "seal" the fungus up. Yes, he turned purplish (my favorite color!) but it does fade. Purple and fungus free is way better than hairless, red and sore skin
When my chin had fungal infection ( she was missing some fur around the eye) I got great advice to mix 2 tablespoons of dust + 2 tablespoons of anti fungal powder and give this bath every day(this is important!) for 7 days. In 3 days fur started to grow back.