Mama of Pepper and Bunny
Yes, we don't need to discuss Captan...we need to discuss my baby with the scabby ouchie!!!!
Don't say...if I can't afford the vet...how much money do I have to have set aside? I have spent 1000 dollars on them in one month! Do you never run out of money? You are so lucky.
It is possible, but I haven't seen more than a "get out of my way" bite from them. We thought we felt a bump the other day but there was still fur and thought it was her shoulder we were feeling. A few days later it was missing fur. But why would the fur be missing/spreading off her nose?
I have seen pepper "groom" Bunny buy chewing her fur...she like to eat it I think. Bunny lets her do this. It isn't attacks.
No it will not help - they need separating.They have both been stable in weight but not gaining for about a week (but not loss, really). They have been together a month. Getting a bigger cage next weekend..will that help? I have night-vision handy cam footage of them at night time (about 1 hr/ night) ...no major squabbles.
Fur chewing does NOT involve inflicting wounds on another chinchilla. Your chins ARE fighting.So no one else's chins ever fuss, chew or anything at eachother?