Mt. Zion Chins
because it not just pet oriented - look at the by laws - ranchers are welcome
I wouldn't stop feeding your own chins as well as your rescue chins hay Crysta b/c the jury is still out on whether hay is essential or optional.
Why is it that this comment just annoys me so much? I've thought about it today at work and I think I'm annoyed by it b/c I feel as a pet owner that I'm being talked down to.
b/c the jury is still out on whether hay is essential or optional.
There are two types of fibre found in feeds/hays etc ....
ADF's (acid detergent fibre) - are the least digestible - and found in the stems and stalks.
NDF's (neutral detergent fibre) is more digestible - and found in the leaves of grasses.
Chinchillas seem to do better (gut and tooth - wise) on a type of diet higher in ADF (acid detergent fibre).
Timothy hay contains a minimum of 32% fibre of which @ 25.10% is ADF.
Fibre is made up of different components: cellulose, hemi-cellulose, and lignin - the lignin bit is the least digestible ADF.
If the forum is largely pet oriented, why post rancher points of view, that is what I don't get.
It was explained to me by a admin in a nice way, I really don't need to have it explained by a member. I got it alright????
Hay - The "Fibre-Provider"
What is Fibre?
There are two types of fibre found in feeds/forages etc ....
ADF's (acid detergent fibre) - are the least digestible - and found in the stems and stalks.
NDF's (neutral detergent fibre) is more digestible - and found in the leaves of grasses.
Chinchillas seem to do better (gut and tooth - wise) on a type of diet higher in ADF (acid detergent fibre).
For example .... Timothy hay contains a minimum of 32% fibre of which @ 25.10% is ADF.
Fibre is made up of different components: cellulose, hemi-cellulose, and lignin - the lignin bit is the least digestible ADF.
Fibre benefits chinchillas in two main ways .....
1. It requires plenty of chewing using the molars (with a characteristic side-to-side chewing motion). This helps with correct dental wear.
Fibrous sources such as hay are digested in the hind gut or caecum, utilising probiotic microbes.
For enzymatic and microbial action to digest fibre efficiently, the chinchilla needs healthy teeth to grind feed and allow enzymes and bacteria to attack the plant cell walls.
2. Fibre also provides plenty of undigestable "bulk" that assists the transit of food through the digestive tract.
I know I was speaking to you directly Crysta but I was really speaking generally to all those who were presently feeding hay to their chins. I was just quite surprised to log in and find this 'hay is optional b/c some random rancher said so' thread after having been drilled for two full years that hay is absolutely necessary for the health of chinchillas.I'm not being snarky here, I promise. Where anywhere did I say I was going to stop feeding hay? Just because someone says something different than what I believe doesn't mean I would switch my beliefs like that. I was just very curious about what breeders, with much more experience than my own, did when it comes to hay.