the dreamer
Susan - I gave her an empty toilet paper roll last night after I cleaned her carrier up, I'm going to see if she shredded it or not. She was chewing on something last night, I heard it multiple times.
Kdr13 - I would not hesitate to drive an hour and ten minutes to see Dr. Angie. However, I live three hours away... it would be at least an eight hour ordeal to go see Dr. Angie and come back. Tia travels well, but that is a loooong ways. And a full tank of gas. But I am seriously considering going to her, three hours be darned.
Tunes - I usually have my ceiling fan set to its lowest or next-to-lowest setting to keep air moving in my room. It has been off lately though, so that might be it...
Essentia - That is a good point. I will keep watch on her and see...
Kdr13 - I would not hesitate to drive an hour and ten minutes to see Dr. Angie. However, I live three hours away... it would be at least an eight hour ordeal to go see Dr. Angie and come back. Tia travels well, but that is a loooong ways. And a full tank of gas. But I am seriously considering going to her, three hours be darned.
Tunes - I usually have my ceiling fan set to its lowest or next-to-lowest setting to keep air moving in my room. It has been off lately though, so that might be it...
Essentia - That is a good point. I will keep watch on her and see...