An update... mostly good, a little of possibly bad?
Tia got her first dose of Metacam yesterday and -wow-, it really made a difference. She ate nearly
all of her pellets today - a first since I've had her! As usual, she is eating lots of hay.
Also, she completely stripped all of the bark off her applewood stick. When I first got her, I bought some applewood sticks and she really had no interest in them. Apparently she hurt too much to care.
She is also much more feisty than usual... I didn't think that was possible for her, but I'm okay with that!
And her poops are larger and not as dark as they normally are... I think that is a good sign?
Yesterday I sprinkled dust on her and rubbed it into her fur. I know a lot of you advised against it, but she hurt so much I wanted to do anything to make her feel better. She did not roll though, just kind of fluffed her fur up.
I do have a new concern though. On Monday, I noticed she had some gunk in the corners of both eyes. She would not let me clean it off, and I didn't want to fight her, so I left it there. It is still there as of today, and the corers of her eyes are moist - the fur is wet. I read the "Eye boogies" post... she has those same things going on. So I guess we should go back to the doc? :bangdesk: