Chin with a broken pelvis

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I agree with Kristy. I keep contact with a few different vets in my area, some over 200 miles apart. If I feel that an animal would be better at one vet than at another, then that's my choice. You don't have to stay with just one vet and they shouldn't have a means to dismiss you. I'd find out exactly what that's supposed to mean, because their purpose is to help animals, and shooing someone away because they went to another vet makes no sense.

Good luck with the X-Rays though!
Some vets just have sensitive egos and seeking a second opinion or seeing another veterinarian causes their egos to become hurt. Seriously. I have/had one that I will never see again. I mentioned the possibility of seeing a specialist once to him and he flipped out. Sorry buddy, I don't need you that badly.
Good news!! On all accounts!!

First off, she thought that I had acquired and began administering the Metacam on my own - that I had not gotten advice from a vet. When I told her that Angie on here was the one who gave me the advice to keep her on Metacam twice daily, she relaxed and apologized. She was very nice, seriously. Dr. Pamela Jennings at the Carlisle Small Animal Vet. In fact, when she first told me, she said something like, "I don't want to sound rude..."

I will definitely be going back to her, she actually knew a good bit about chins and I'm quite pleased with everyone that went on. I was just so nervous earlier about leaving Tia there that I was freaking out and all that.


She is healing! Her pelvis has started to knit back together! The x-rays are below!


On her back.


On her back, from the right side - I think.


Another shot.

Doc said that she can dust herself and that I can slowly start to increase her activity (like let her out to hop about for five minutes a couple times a day) and see how she gets along. She's still in the guinea pig cage, and will be for probably another eight weeks until the bone itself starts to knit over the cartilage that has formed.

Once we got home I let Tia dust herself (she LOVED it) and put her back in her cage to rest - today was very stressful for her!

But it's great news and I am just so happy! :D :D

Thank you all SO MUCH for your help and support, we couldn't have made it this far without all of you!
That is AWESOME news! See? In the end, the confinement was worth it and she will love you just as much as she did before when she finally gets paroled. :)
Stunning! Well done to both of you :D

All I'd say is to go even more carefully than the vet has suggested - don't let her go mad dusting or running about. She will want to & you'll want to let her - but if you're slow & steady then the healing will continue & hopefully you won't have any set backs - neither of you need that after all the hard work you've put in to getting Tia this far.

I'm going to reiterate what Claire said, and warn you to be careful with how much exercise she gets. Partial and full healing are not the same thing. It would suck to undo the hard work she's put into healing already.

Also, I'm going to forward the thread to Angie, so she can see how well things turned out. :)
WOW!!! I love it. Thank you for the xrays...I've been dying to see how it heals. You have done a fantastic job with this chin...and she's done a fabulous job healing!!! :D


I agree, give her some more time to heal. Maybe four more weeks? After she's a little more healed up the exercise will do her a world of good.
Fantastic news! I am so happy for you and Tia.
I'll keep my fingers crossed that things continue to go well!!!
Great news!! You have done an amazing job with her. I'm so happy for Miss Tia.
WOO HOO!!! I know nothing can take the place of playtime, but maybe some new chew toys would keep her mind engaged as she heads into this final round of healing?
WOO HOO!!! That's GREAT news!!!

Can't wait for her to be ALL healed up and ready to play -- she's sure to be a love with all the bonding time you've spent with her.

Keep up the good work... :thumbsup: