I heart Leonard
What the heck Becky?! You got another Welcome mat? I've only gotten one this entire game so far!
Pam I did get the lantern and thanks so much! I finished my camping goal and now I'm regrowing my frontier lol!
oh, and yes I am on the peanut goal now
BUT!!! I have vowed not to plant to only peanuts--I like playing this game and if I don't have other things to harvest I get no food, so my peanut goal will be a long one I'm afraid! I like the grow sunflowers the most because you get energy when you complete a sunflower collection. I really like that!
I sure wish they would add saloon, jail and church to the frontier! You just can't have the old wild west without those babies--and a stagecoach would sure be nice! Thankfully April accepted me as a friend and I could get a the brown buggy and not have to cave in and use horseshoes for it! Thanks April!
Pam I did get the lantern and thanks so much! I finished my camping goal and now I'm regrowing my frontier lol!
oh, and yes I am on the peanut goal now
I sure wish they would add saloon, jail and church to the frontier! You just can't have the old wild west without those babies--and a stagecoach would sure be nice! Thankfully April accepted me as a friend and I could get a the brown buggy and not have to cave in and use horseshoes for it! Thanks April!