2010 California ECBC State Show

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Here is one of the "viophires":
That was the frequent flyer sapphire but not-sapphire. :)) (It was a regular sapphire, ironically)

RGS 602 Black Velvet was from Bill Booker (Blue Diamond). :D At 3:30AM, I was sleeping.

I want to thank Guillermo and Donna for the awesome judging and putting up with the rowdy audience. And, as always, the ever spunky young DJ Rod for announcing and entertainment, happy birthday to him and Kara.

Here's a picture of the pizza frenzy minus the boys sent out for alcohol and myself.


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That was the frequent flyer sapphire but not-sapphire. :)) (It was a regular sapphire, ironically)

RGS 602 Black Velvet was from Bill Booker (Blue Diamond). :D At 3:30AM, I was sleeping.

Whoops, see how much I was paying attention! Oh, and no sleep didn't help either! Thanks for correcting that. I've been up for... 38 hours now and I'm so ready for bed.
I'm back from the show! The weather driving back down south was horrible...there was even an overturned truck on my route. The truck was carrying chickens so as I drove by you got to see CHP trying to catch chickens in the rain, lol.

The results are going to be emailed to me later. I will post all the results with breeder points! For now...

1st place MUTATION breeder award - Bowen Chinchillas (Gary Neubauer)
2nd place MUTATION breeder award - Diamond Blue (Bill Booker)
3rd place MUTATION breeder award - Ronda Frazier
4th place MUTATION breeder award - Chinchilla Villa (Danny Miller)
5th place MUTATION breeder award - Chin Colores (Pam Oldham)

1st place STANDARD breeder award - Bowen Chinchillas (Gary Neubauer)
2nd place STANDARD breeder award - Diamond Blue (Bill Booker)
3rd place STANDARD breeder award - Ronda Frazier
4th place STANDARD breeder award - Chinchilla Chateau (Sumiko Dela Vega)
5th place STANDARD breeder award - Norra Horton

1st place JUNIOR breeder award was a tie between Sumiko and Danny!
3rd place JUNIOR breeder award - RDZC Ranch (Tabitha Hong)
I have a coulpe of questions,First how many of you out in cali,are planing on comeing to the national???Also I was woundering,The last few years when i have been going to shows,Its a rule you have to have your animals at the show by mindnight on friday.But i see here pepole were bring animals the day of the show,Was woundering did the rule change?????
I have a coulpe of questions,First how many of you out in cali,are planing on comeing to the national???Also I was woundering,The last few years when i have been going to shows,Its a rule you have to have your animals at the show by mindnight on friday.But i see here pepole were bring animals the day of the show,Was woundering did the rule change?????

That has never been a rule in California ECBC to my knowledge. Where did you here something like that? Registration is from 7pm to 9pm on Friday night and also 7am to 9am before each show. It has been like this for at least the past ten years. It could be that you misunderstood a "rule"? It's not really a rule but anyone coming in on Friday night that wants their animals in the show hall needs to be there before midnight because we lock the doors to the hall. People can show up after midnight, they just have to keep their animals in their room over night.

Not many of us will be at Nationals. Ellis and Vin are going to be there and Gary will be showing pelts. I am not sure about Bill Booker but none of the smaller ranchers have it in our budgets to fly out there with animals.
I asked Bill and he laughed at me (regarding nationals). So no on him. Gary said no to ECBC nationals but he'd be showing pelts at MCBA. I'm not sure which nationals Vin/Ellis are headed to.

MCBA requires the check in because they are only one day shows.

Poor Ronda called and is stuck on Mt. Shasta, she just had to put chains on. That is the danger of crossing states, her chins have now been in the carriers for a week. This is when we start loosing them to stress.

She will not be at nationals. I am undecided, it would require my animals to be in the carriers for 5 days for ECBC and 7 for MCBA.

As far as the registration goes, nobody ever knows how many animals they are going to show. This show was a little different, in order to make it sanctioned everyone showed their backups. This means myself, Nora and Margot showed animals. So we did register the second day.

It was all in good fun though. :D
That has never been a rule in California ECBC to my knowledge. Where did you here something like that? Registration is from 7pm to 9pm on Friday night and also 7am to 9am before each show. It has been like this for at least the past ten years. It could be that you misunderstood a "rule"? It's not really a rule but anyone coming in on Friday night that wants their animals in the show hall needs to be there before midnight because we lock the doors to the hall. People can show up after midnight, they just have to keep their animals in their room over night.

Not many of us will be at Nationals. Ellis and Vin are going to be there and Gary will be showing pelts. I am not sure about Bill Booker but none of the smaller ranchers have it in our budgets to fly out there with animals.

I undederstood different then,all other shows including the national,you MUST register on friday.Guess california is different.But in the past I have heared cali did the same thing.Guess its changed again
I asked Bill and he laughed at me (regarding nationals). So no on him. Gary said no to ECBC nationals but he'd be showing pelts at MCBA. I'm not sure which nationals Vin/Ellis are headed to.

MCBA requires the check in because they are only one day shows.

Poor Ronda called and is stuck on Mt. Shasta, she just had to put chains on. That is the danger of crossing states, her chins have now been in the carriers for a week. This is when we start loosing them to stress.

She will not be at nationals. I am undecided, it would require my animals to be in the carriers for 5 days for ECBC and 7 for MCBA.

As far as the registration goes, nobody ever knows how many animals they are going to show. This show was a little different, in order to make it sanctioned everyone showed their backups. This means myself, Nora and Margot showed animals. So we did register the second day.

It was all in good fun though. :D

Funny most ranchers I know,Allways show 20,And know that mounths in advance.Its all so funny That some of the wifes or girlfriends showed there husbands or boyfriends animals,Under there owen brand.
As a newer breeder and being a college student, I do not have enough animals or the money to make it worthwhile to show at nationals. It's definitely something I'd like to do in the future though.

About Ronda, I sure hope she makes it back today. This is not an ideal time to travel, especially with all the storms right now. Tara, please keep us posted.
MCBA never requires you to register the day before. Neither do most ECBC shows.

The only that I know of that does is ECBC Nationals. You have to register for both the Saturday and Sunday shows Friday night.
Funny most ranchers I know,Allways show 20,And know that mounths in advance.Its all so funny That some of the wifes or girlfriends showed there husbands or boyfriends animals,Under there owen brand.

It's so funny that you like to criticize the California group for every little stupid thing and hide behind that username.
Dan I think Becky is right as I have never had to register on Friday for any show other than ECBC Nationals.
Dan is "chinmandan".... unless "chinman" happens to be another person named Dan who ranches and attends shows. :confused3:

Tabitha or Cara, whoever is going to do the writeup for The Breeder - feel free to use any pictures I post from the show!
Did anyone else get pictures of everyone at the olympic round table? I'd love them if you have them. Mine were pretty blurry.

.Its all so funny That some of the wifes or girlfriends showed there husbands or boyfriends animals,Under there owen brand.
I am neither a girlfriend or wife and Ronda is not a husband or boyfriend.

I consider it an act of extreme charity seeing the people in question had to groom 60-80 animals instead of 40, took a serious beating on the table and paid a lot of money for animals they had no intention of showing to help the club raise money and become sanctioned. Ronda and I are the only ones that team groom. Margot and Bill do all the grooming for their strings. If you've ever brought a full string you know just how much they went out of their way for this.

I was required to check in the night before for the MCBA show in Idaho, it's the only one I've gone to that has done that. Otherwise I show up when I get there. :))
Funny most ranchers I know,Allways show 20,And know that mounths in advance.Its all so funny That some of the wifes or girlfriends showed there husbands or boyfriends animals,Under there owen brand.

There were animals shown under different memberships...not brands. Margot has a separate membership then the one they normally show under which is the Bowen membership. As the half that grooms the chins and helps care for, pay for the care, and sell the animals I think she has every right to lay claim to their breeding. Norra also has her own membership and used to show animals separately from Bill. Since she also helps with the care of the animals on that ranch on a daily basis and isn't "paid help" I wouldn't consider her "stealing" credit for these animals. If anything, the ladies that showed animals under their names took a hit because they showed back up animals and not the outstanding animals that took CC and GSC.

Do you ever stop before you post and think how rude you come off or do you do it deliberately amidst all the horrible typos and poor grammar? If you knew anything about these ranchers who are involved in the business together as a couple, you'd know there is no problem with them showing under one or another. Gary said multiple times that the only reason they show under Bowen is because of how recognizable the name is.

Why don't you get out from behind your computer screen and show support for the California branch if you truly do live in Modesto. Otherwise, join another branch and stop whining.
There were animals shown under different memberships...not brands. Margot has a separate membership then the one they normally show under which is the Bowen membership. As the half that grooms the chins and helps care for, pay for the care, and sell the animals I think she has every right to lay claim to their breeding. Norra also has her own membership and used to show animals separately from Bill. Since she also helps with the care of the animals on that ranch on a daily basis and isn't "paid help" I wouldn't consider her "stealing" credit for these animals. If anything, the ladies that showed animals under their names took a hit because they showed back up animals and not the outstanding animals that took CC and GSC.

Do you ever stop before you post and think how rude you come off or do you do it deliberately amidst all the horrible typos and poor grammar? If you knew anything about these ranchers who are involved in the business together as a couple, you'd know there is no problem with them showing under one or another. Gary said multiple times that the only reason they show under Bowen is because of how recognizable the name is.

Why don't you get out from behind your computer screen and show support for the California branch if you truly do live in Modesto. Otherwise, join another branch and stop whining.

I know some of you are new ranchers,but these were the rules in the past,I know for a fact,Ask the old timers,like pete,bill,gary,vin,ellis,bars,They will agree this was past practice,Sorry you if you diden't know that or it changed before you were involved with the club,I was just asking.Dont be so deffensive just sharing the facts.
I know some of you are new ranchers,but these were the rules in the past,I know for a fact,Ask the old timers,like pete,bill,gary,vin,ellis,bars,They will agree this was past practice,Sorry you if you diden't know that or it changed before you were involved with the club,I was just asking.Dont be so deffensive just sharing the facts.

You are not sharing facts. Obviously this has not been a rule for quite a while and seeing as you said "The last few years when i have been going to shows" you are the one who must be mistaken. I have asked other "newer" ranchers who have been attending and showing for 7 to 10 years and none of them remember that ever being a rule. So do tell...how long is "a few years"? To me, that says around three years but fewer than seven.

People may be coming off as "deffensive" (you have spell check on here...it TELLS you when you've typed something wrong;)) because you don't seem to have anything positive to say. The California Group may not be the same as it was in the past but ECBC as a whole is not the same as it was in the past. Those of us who are members of ECBC not only take pride in being members of the club, we take pride in our individual branches. If you want to bad mouth any individual branch...you are NOT going to get a positive response.

Just because you don't list where you are does not mean it cannot be found through other means.
I know some of you are new ranchers,but these were the rules in the past,I know for a fact,Ask the old timers,like pete,bill,gary,vin,ellis,bars,They will agree this was past practice,Sorry you if you diden't know that or it changed before you were involved with the club,I was just asking.Dont be so deffensive just sharing the facts.

Chinman, why not just ask the show chair? Since the contact info is usually posted and that person should have the details for that show? That way there is no confusion over rules and whether or not they have changed.