WI MCBA Regional Show

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this all sounds like so much fun, and a great experience for Sienna, "Charlie" and I... is there ever a show in Ontario, Cda that anyone is aware of??
Me and my sister will be coming down in the morning, hopefully be there by 9:30 to get dust and everything finished before the show.

Not sure if we'll stay the whole day or not though, as we'll have to get back to let the dogs out and things that afternoon.

Anyone bringing any dishes for lunch that a vegetarian can eat? My sister is vegetarian, so just wondering. I figured if there's not going to be much for her, she shouldn't buy a lunch there.

Hey Ali~
I'm a veg head too and I can usually find something to eat :)
Oh okay thanks T! I thought I remembered someone in the past being a vegetarian but couldn't remember! :))

I haven't heard of shows in Canada, lately. I know there was a group up there for awhile, but I don't hear much about them anymore. The Michigan show in early Feb. might be the closest one to you. I know there is a thread started here already, and the MCBA website will have more info as well - www.mutationchinchillas.com

Ali -

I haven't heard of anyone bringing a veggie main-type dish, but I know there are lots of dishes that won't have meat in them - fruit salad, potato salad, cole slaw, veggie trays, etc. Sometimes, Kim brings ziti...
Okay, I haven't eaten all day and now I can't wait to get there. I know its tomorrow but its just snacks until we get to the motel tonight. We've got a slumber party going on in our 2 adjoining rooms. There are 5 of us already, hopefully we won't get kicked out, LOL, as long as Laurie doesn't talk about Packer crap, I think we'll be ok, hehe!
Packer crap my big fat butt! I'm bringing my Packer Fleece sweatshirt and I'm laying it all over Sandi and then taking pictures!!!
I'm bringing my sweet and sour salad which is meat free! Hopefully Alli's sister will like it. It's official name is: Auntie Laurie's noodle salad!
I'm sitting here and we're leaving in about 2 hours and I still don't know if I'm brining Bronwyn and Lisa! I guess it will be down to the wire on deciding!
Stewart loaded my IPod for me in case I can't sleep due to a certain friend of mine's snoring--she's a good friend though so I will suffer in silence if I have too!
I'm really looking forward to the show! I hope I win Wendy's quilt!!!!! AND to be selfish the candle basket Brenda put together AND the chocolate basket Tawana is hopefully bringing!!!
We're just shy of the full moon too so just gnomes to fear in the gnome motel and not werewolves thank goodness!
I am making baked ziti as we speak, no meat whatsoever in there!
Congratulations to all the winners!! It was a fun show and my hubby Greg and I learned a lot. Thanks to Jim Ritterspach for all the info!
Ralph took Grand Show with a standard and Becky took Reserve Grand Show with a standard. Congrats!!!!
I got champion female with an eb.
All my other records are at home and I'm at the store, so I'll get more posted tonight. lol
Congratulations to the Wisconsin chapter for putting on another great show! As soon as I get some sleep, I'll post some of the pictures I took
Sounds like a great show once again. My son (only 4 1/2 yrs old) ended up having hernia surgery on Thursday and w/ that and his recovery and everything just being so crazy around here, I wasn't able to make it. :( I had really wanted to.
As usually I had a wonderful time! Sandi and I rode up together on Friday. We met Tawana, Kristy and Carol and the 5 of us were roomies for Friday and Saturday and had a great time! I was so pleased to such a nice turnout for our Wisconsin show. Ralph Shoots himself asked Sandi if it were her first show! He knew she was "new"! Despite dumping tons of money in the raffle I came away without the chocolate or the candle basket from Brenda dang it! But Tawana broke into the basket Saturday night and gave me the chocolate covered cherries! Delish!
A group of us went to Hi Point for a nice dinner Saturday night AND Becky came and hung out with us after the show Saturday night as well! She was kind enough to share stories of her first chins and how she got into breeding.
Robin Ouedenkirk was kind enough to show me how to groom the day of the show! He really took some pity of me LOL! But poor Bronwyn! I don't think she's ever had her rump shook that much to get rid of some of that fur!
The chins were AMAZING! Ralph Shoots had some really gorgeous beige's--those of his were my favorite. Becky, Wendy, and Brenda all had great chins as well. All in all it was just a really great time!
Baby Lisa chin supported breast cancer as she sported a pink spot on her forehead and pink tipped tail!
Bill and Catria Bonnier made me the most beautiful white rose with pink lace out of a pelt in memory of Lisa---I know it wasn't the intent but I cried when I got it. It's truly, truly beautiful and pink white will always remind me of Lisa--pink for breast cancer and white because she's an angel.

I took a ton of pics and have them loaded on photobucket and will try to get them posted. I'll put them up in a separate posting though.

Thanks to everyone for such a great experience!
I had a wonderful time. It was so fun to connect with people I don't get to see very often. Every time I go I get to know more and more people. Now when I look at Laurie's pictures she posted on another thread I know who everyone is in the pictures instead of wondering who they all are. Since I didn't show any animals, it was just a great weekend getaway to spend some time with friends. Thanks to all who made it such a great weekend.
I had a great time, and it was so nice to see everyone even if I was running around like a freak all day! I brought home a stunning reserve phase champ standard female from Ralph (she is HUGE! and lovely!) and traded Brenda an eb for a gorgeous standard first place female out of her coveted Darkstar line. Ooooo, these new girls are going to be so much fun!! I also won the ledges in the raffle--wooohooooo! The chinnies love Bill & Cat's ledges! The seven chins I showed did well considering their coat condition (don't we just all love October flyaways?!). My standard girl earned a first in the biggest class of the day (Jim liked all those dark girls in that class & gave every one of them a first--what a class!), I had one 4-month old eb earn a second but the others went 1B, Reserve Phase, 2 were Phase Champ, and one was Reserve Section Champ. The GSC & RGS were gorgeous boys, congrats to Ralph, Barb, & Becky! Brenda's Champ female was beautiful!! Soooo dark--ooo, I love those extra dark ebs! :thumbsup:

I hope everyone got home safely & didn't hit any more raccoons! Now to check out the picture thread. I tried to dodge any and all pics, as I do NOT photograph well! Here's hoping I was successful...