I am sad. They kept a freak who screams like he got a hot poker shoved up his butt over someone who could actually sing.
Like most of the other reality shows though, I guess that's the norm. It's a popularity contest anymore instead of an actual talent contest.
Ah well! Now I can delete it off the DVR and watch the Mentalist next week instead of AI!
Now I'm pretty new to CnH so you probably haven't heard from me yet, but I really felt the need to say something here. I'm really confused as to why so many people hate on Adam and are so quick to rip him apart.
First of all, Adam is not a 'freak.' If a freak to you is someone who happens to like his nails painted and who likes the way he looks in makeup, then maybe you should open up your mind a little. Not every one wants to fit in the cookie-cutter Hollywood style, and I admire Adam for keeping his individuality and for not compromising his style just because some people don't understand it and write it off as weird.
Second of all, how could you for a SECOND deny that Adam has an INCREDIBLE voice. He is on a completely different level than any other contestant. His range is unbelievable - he can go from low to high without missing a note and without making it sound awkward or difficult. He has an amazing falsetto and then he can belt it out like none other. Also, he is the only contestant who consistently changes the original songs to make them his own. Most of the time American Idol just sounds like American Kareoke...except for Adam. Even if he knows people are going to be like "..what?" (ie, "Ring of Fire"), he still goes for it because it's original and its his.
And, just as importantly, he has something called STAGE PRESENCE. Face it, the man can dance...he can rock out and headbang and he can move his hips in a way that should send most girls into a coma. He engages the crowd and when hes singing more fast paced songs he uses the entire stage. This is something no other contestant this year has done. Most of the time they sit in the same spot, or when they try to dance it just comes off as *awkward.* He gets into and puts emotions into his songs...when he sang "Tracks of my Tears" and "If I Can't Have You," he LOOKED like he was in pain during the songs. He is genuine and is just a pure performer.
To compare the two, you can easily use neutral ground because they sang songs from the same artist - Aerosmith. Just go and listen to Danny's "Dream On" and Adam's "Cryin." Even with the horrid background singer in "Cryin'", it is the sound of angels compared to that pathetic attempt at a scream that Danny did.
Let me clarify that I'm not saying Danny is a bad singer. He CAN sing. But he is not flexible. He has that one rough vocal that sounds good but only for certain music. His falsetto is pretty good too but he just doesn't have range. Like I said, Adam is just in a totally different league. It's not opinion, it's fact. You may not LIKE the way he sounds, but he is talented regardless. Just like opera...you may think its boring and the women are fat and it drones on and on....but you can't deny that the singers are talented, can you?
Woo...sorry that was so long, and kudos to you if you read it all! I just needed to defend him for a moment (or 20)