I think Kris is relying on the "cute" factor. Watch how he plays to the audience. Cute is fine, but I can't see you on the radio.
I thought Matt was horrible. He kept trying to do something and it just wasn't happening.
Danny was hands down my favorite. I thought he really stepped up last night and did a heck of a job.
Adam was Adam, same ole, same ole. Screech, tongue, screech, balad, screech, tongue. FINALLY though, one of the judges actually mentioned it! I could have hugged Randy for finally putting it out there! You go dawg!
I hate to say it, but I'm tired of Allison. What I thought was unique about her in the beginning, is now just grating. Last night she did really well, I'll agree with that, but it isn't overshadowing all the other so-so performances for me.
I'm guessing Matt goes this week, and they aren't going to bother to save him.