>.o thanks... I'm blind 
Good choice tonight--the bottom three in my opinion were no big surprise. I thought Kelly Pickler sounded horrible--usually I don't mind her country twang but tonight she was irritating to me.
Glad Scott went home - wish it had been Lil. I could sit through one more week of Scott, but I'm sick to death of her. Hopefully next week it will be Lil and then Anoop
anyone else notice that scott said he'd have to go home and "watch the tape" to see how his performance was last week??
Can I just say - ick - to the songs this week? I can hardly wait for Adam to completely showboat, scream, and overact. yay
Is anyone else surprised at Adam's age? I thought he was like 22 and then I find out he's nearly 30--he just seem it to me at all!
Okay Spoof sorry but when you're 30/16 like myself 26 or 27 is nearly 30 LOL! Movie themes hmmmm--think Lil Rounds will sing Don't Cry For Me Argentina?? This is really too bad because Kris already sang the song Make You Feel My Love which Garth Brooks recorded.
HMM again Movie week--Elvis made 33 movies that's a lot of songs--no wait! American Idol rule PLEASE DO NOT SCREW UP ELVIS EVER AGAIN! Okay I would allow Danny to sing Little Less Conversation from Almost in Love.
If Adam was smart--really, really smart he would sing The Crying Game.
I'll have to think of some other suggestions for everyone, but no one listens to me anyhow--how the heck does that happen?!