I didn't love Allison this week and usually I think she's pretty good.
Anoop sounded ok (voice wise), but Something about it rubbed me the wrong way....maybe the arrangement, but I didn't like it too much either
Adam was awesome as usual. Although I was hoping he'd do some sort of power ballad....that would have been awesome. But he rocked it out....he's gonna single handedly bring back some awesome music that should have never died in the first place.
Kris was ok. I never heard that song before so I have nothing to compare it to, but he did really well with whatever it was LOL
Danny sounded the same as he does every week. His voice is ok and I think he's a good singer, but no matter what he sings, he always sounds the same....no variance whatsoever.
Matt...Didn't like it at all.
Lil...OMG that was TERRIBLE I really LOVED her in the begining, and every week I keep waiting to hear something awesome come out of her, but every week, it gets worse

I think she should go home this week....or Matt, but vote for the worst is backing lil so I think she may make it through

and I really do not think they'll save her if she's the one to go. I don't think any of them liked what she did last night. She looked like she was gonna pounce on Simon LOL