I thought Danny was excellent. He hit every note, he was comfortable and relaxed. I disagree with Randy. I don't think you constantly have to throw yourself around the stage like some kind of maniac, especially not with that particular kind of song.
Kris was outstanding as well. The arrangement was wonderful, loved the orchestral side to it.
Allison really disappointed me. I didn't like the song, I didn't like her voice singing it.
Adam was Adam. Same ole, same ole over the top, Broadway overacting/oversinging. The thing is, he is PERFECT for Broadway. He would absolutely shine and would end up with a Tony. How many Tony award winners do you hear on the radio today? Um, that would be none off the top of my head. He is a born actor, just not a fantabulous singer as people keep thinking. I wish people would see past what they consider his good looks and his charisma to actually listen to his voice. It's just okay. He channels Gene Simmons all the time with his tongue hanging out and the screeching and yelling, but is that what you want to hear on the radio? That's just not my thing. Play that Funky Music White Boy? For pete sake, why not sing a little Perry Como or some Tony Bennett while you're up there. It's just about as interesting.
Matt was awful. From the moment he opened his mouth he was doomed. Fast forward, fast forward. I didn't see all the praise being heaped on Scott being justified either. The judges constantly say to people - shake it up, do something different! What did he do? He sat behind the piano and whined again. Yes, we know, you're blind. So are you going to sing ballads your entire professional life? May as well sign up for the lounges in Las Vegas, because that's where you're headed with that. Seriously, I REALLY wish they would do Queen again. What will he choose then? Not a ton of Queen ballads that he could carry off.
Megan and Lil both sucked. What is the deal with Lil and her hair?? Her song was horrible and her dress/hair was worse. Megan will still be there this week. VFTW decided at show 1 she was going to be their girl, and she still is, and will continue to be. If I had to guess I would say Matt is going home, but, you never know.
It isn't even worth giving a comment on Anoop. He was, as Simon says "Utterly forgettable" and his cocky attitude surely isn't warranted.
It'll be interesting tonight to see what happens.