I have a huge standard that is doing the same thing to me. :hair: She's over 1100 grams now, and has never been more than just over 1000 with twins. She's with a new male, and he better not throw trips or quads! I like twins, max. Your girl's pic made me smile, because my poor girl looks just as big & uncomfortable too. I hope I'm headed home to a new litter, but she looked pretty resolved this AM to NOT have any kits today. Maybe she's trying to fake me out so I don't stare at her so much?:impatient:
I think I'll tell her its a race, with a bonus treat if she beats your girl to delivery! Then I'll rub her belly, give her a dust bath, take her for a bumpy car ride?! Here's hoping we both have beautiful, healthy litters to report by this time tomorrow, though yours will be much more colorful than mine.
Good luck!! :thumbsup: