Well-known member
Nicole is reading my mind!
Becky and I pushed for averaging color section breeder awards and less color phases in some colors but were out voted by the rest of the national board at the time. Many think it will limit the number of entries to the show which is of course is true as I would not bring more than five if that was all that was needed for an average. How many are in favor of higher entry fees to support the shows with less animals?
The shows really do need as many animals as breeders can bring, too, to be able to make expenses and keep the shows going.
Maybe there could be a separate entry form or some such thing for the show table so we wouldn't have to sort through the animals on the entry forms. It's already tough to get through it all by the time everyone wants their ribbons, etc.
At one point MCBA had someone working on a show table spreadsheet but it became complicated and was never finished. I think ECBC does have a working show spreadsheet currently for their shows.
Maybe I'll make this my winter break project, mom is a computer/programming wizard - i'm sure we could figure something out!
Becky and I pushed for averaging color section breeder awards and less color phases in some colors but were out voted by the rest of the national board at the time. Many think it will limit the number of entries to the show which is of course is true as I would not bring more than five if that was all that was needed for an average.
I was about to put a batch of bread in the brick oven....