mark miller
Miller Chinchillas
What we all need to acknowledge is breeding "quality" offspring is relative to each individual's opinion and goals for their animals. Quality to a small new breeder of 2-10 pet chins would be healthy kits with really good personalities. Quality to a large scale pelt producing herd would be strong dense fur and dark color and long bodied animals to produce the highest $ pelts. Quality to me is trying to produce the very best show type chinchilla I can (blue color, nice veiling, white belly,good size, fur texture, confromation, etc. We all have different focuses and goals on this forum for our own chinchillas and of course everyone thinks their reasons are most important and right. I remember many times at shows I would beat Ralph Shoots for Grand Show and he would go up and look at my animal with his and tell everyone how his was better because it would bring more money as a pelt then mine that beat him. I would reply that my animal was bred and designed to be a top show animal and not a pelt. Pelts are judged a little differently then live animals. My focus was on producing top show quality chins. He just needed to find something about his that he could say was better then mine so he could believe he was "right". This is very similar to what many of you do on this forum to justify your opinions. If someone doesn't do things the way you think and believe they should be done, you cut them down and call them names when maybe their focus and goals for their type of "quality" chinchilla they produce is much different then yours. That doesn't mean either one is wrong or worth calling names and personally attacking others over.