I'd like to say..I don't know if I have "high quality" chins, but what I do know is an animal is much more than a "stud" or a show chin. I love my guys as a pet which is what an animal should be. Mine are all happy and well fed and I don't plan on selling my chins to anyone who will put then in a box with no room to jump or play or be the happy prt their meant to be..and I'm sticking to that. Alot of people will be upset or angry at this but be as you wish.

Personnally I think your opinion is as good as mine therefore not offended.
I don't necessarily agree with the attitude used towards those who have made it possible for us to have these wonderful little creatures in our lives. Many, if not all of these large breeders care alot more about their animals than many pet owners do. So we must be careful as to how we use the hammer.
I, as a small breeder don't see my animals as studs and only show animals... but I certainly have concerns about their futur generations health and quality. I want to better them as a species. That is something all responsible breeders strive for, and doing so
shows the love one has for them. A proven and safest way to do so as far as I am concerned is in smaller cages.
I am not saying that larges cages are enjury or death traps because I believe all pet chinchillas should have large cages, but just that in my humble opinion I think runs or small cages are much safer for breeding.
My conscience would direct me to the breeder that strives to improve health and quality over the one that considers the cage size as being more important. It is all a matter of personal preference I guess.
I will add, I am most grateful to the breeders that have been around soooo many years (with small cages) to allow pet people and myself (a breeder) the possibility of nice quality animals. Without them we would not have.
That being said, again I do not judge those who chose to do it differently,
No offence intented, but I find it very special that we would be judged by one that does not breed. :hmm: