Jax Chinchilla Rescue
Oh pah Laurie. You know you like using smilies!
I've seen this thread going for a while, and after the last couple of days, and the support I've been given here, felt the need to comment.
I'm new to this forum, maybe a couple of weeks. I've only had my chinchilla, Misty, for 2 months now and only know one other person who owns chins, and needed someplace to find answers to some of my questions. Everyone was very nice and helpful, even though I was probably asking some of those same "newby" questions. No one made me feel like a burden, or was rude.
Then someone(can't remember who right now, sorry!) pointed out that in a photo Misty's fur looked matted around her eyes, and that probably saved her life. Stackie recommended a vet for Misty, and everyone has gone out of their way to be supportive and sympathetic.
I really believe without this forum, Misty would have died. I am so grateful to these "old timers" for helping save our sweet little girl. So say anything you want, but they have won my eternal gratitude![]()
Thank you Misty for posting this... it's the reason why I hung around after I joined CnQ and now CnH and ultimately ended up with true life long friends as a bonus!![]()
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say a couple things. First being that I know I have posted repeat questions, but I'm not all that good with technical stuff so I still have a bit of difficulty finding what I'm looking for. So that is why I sometimes post repeat stuff, but if I can I will go into the chatroom and ask for help finding what I'm looking for. I'd rather get the information I need rather than not get it because I don't want to bother someone.
Second, when I was a kid I didn't have friends. I thought it was me (I realized later it wasn't) so I spent a lot of time observing people and learning what upsets people and what doesn't and how is the best way to talk to people so that everyone can come to an agreement. Through all of my observations and knowing that written word is very difficult to interpret when it comes to the tone of voice, there are a few things I have come up with that generally work to get across my point that "hey I am not attacking you but you need to know that what you are doing is wrong and this is why". One way is to add smileys or "lol". This is not always appropriate, like if the situation is a serious one. In that case, I try to start off with congratulating them for what they are doing right, and then say something like "but there are a few things that worry me about this and I would like to give you some advice that will help your chins be happier and healthier". If that is still inappropriate for the seriousness of the situation, then I am blunt, but tack on to the end something like "I'm not trying to me mean or attack you, but you need to know this because you have a big problem here and I don't want something terrible to happen". Then if they still don't listen I loose the niceness and I'm just blunt with them.
I often find that it is difficult to listen to someone when I feel like I am being attacked. And I have seen someone get attacked on this site before and I couldn't believe how rude people were being to this person. I always try to put aside my feelings as best I can and focus on the advice given, but it can be difficult sometimes. It is much easier for me to accept blunt advice if the person has made it clear that they are not being mean, they are just trying to convey the seriousness of the situation.
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say a couple things. First being that I know I have posted repeat questions, but I'm not all that good with technical stuff so I still have a bit of difficulty finding what I'm looking for. So that is why I sometimes post repeat stuff, but if I can I will go into the chatroom and ask for help finding what I'm looking for. I'd rather get the information I need rather than not get it because I don't want to bother someone.
Second, when I was a kid I didn't have friends. I thought it was me (I realized later it wasn't) so I spent a lot of time observing people and learning what upsets people and what doesn't and how is the best way to talk to people so that everyone can come to an agreement. Through all of my observations and knowing that written word is very difficult to interpret when it comes to the tone of voice, there are a few things I have come up with that generally work to get across my point that "hey I am not attacking you but you need to know that what you are doing is wrong and this is why". One way is to add smileys or "lol". This is not always appropriate, like if the situation is a serious one. In that case, I try to start off with congratulating them for what they are doing right, and then say something like "but there are a few things that worry me about this and I would like to give you some advice that will help your chins be happier and healthier". If that is still inappropriate for the seriousness of the situation, then I am blunt, but tack on to the end something like "I'm not trying to me mean or attack you, but you need to know this because you have a big problem here and I don't want something terrible to happen". Then if they still don't listen I loose the niceness and I'm just blunt with them.
I often find that it is difficult to listen to someone when I feel like I am being attacked. And I have seen someone get attacked on this site before and I couldn't believe how rude people were being to this person. I always try to put aside my feelings as best I can and focus on the advice given, but it can be difficult sometimes. It is much easier for me to accept blunt advice if the person has made it clear that they are not being mean, they are just trying to convey the seriousness of the situation.
If I had two choices between say heart surgeons, one who was the top of his/her class, a expert in the field, been doing it forever with tons of surgeries under the belt with excellent outcomes, but was a jerk who treated me like a piece of meat, or the other one who was at the bottom 10% of the class, barely graduated, has only done a few surgeries and most patients died but treated me like I was the only patient in the world and my new BFF, I would go with the jerk and be treated like a t-bone steak, since I want the best and the delivery of the message is not important since I have big girl panties!
I know when I am looking at a doctor, or a vet for that matter I want the one who is knowledgeable and is going to be blunt and honest with me. I am doing something wrong with my animal care? I want that vet to tell me straight out "this is what you are doing wrong, this is how you fix it". If I am doing something wrong with my health --tell me about it, and tell me how to fix it.
The trainers I use for my horses and my dogs do not sugar coat anything. If I am making the mistake, and thats why my animal is acting the way it is--they let me know. They tell me how to fix it. THAT is the reason why I chose them. I want someone who is going to criticize me, tell me what I'm doing wrong, and show me how to fix my mistakes. I could have found a trainer who wouldn't stop me when I am lunging the horse wrong, heeling with my dog incorrectly and just let me go...but I wanted the one who would step in and say "wait a minute, THIS is how its done"
I'd rather know the truth, the facts, and how to fix what I'm doing wrong then worry about someone holding my hand and softly talking to me, telling me exactly what I want to hear. I am not messing around with plastic toys..I am dealing with living, breathing things.
And just to be snarky, if you are going to tell me I am mean, please use proper english, not U IS MEEN, I H8 U.
I also feel like this thread got old several pages ago. The people who are going to be blunt will continue being blunt. Those who sugar coat will continue to do that as well, and those who are looking to be offended will find some reason to complain no matter what we do![]()
You CAN get a point across without being blunt though. I'm on another forum that can do just that, I accepted that CnH will never come to be like that a long time ago but you can teach people nicely with the same (if not better) success rate.
I also believe that SOME of the people who are known to attack would not do so in person and would teach people kindly.
No. I refuse to change my personality for someone who wishes to be coddled. Blunt is not the same thing as rude. I can give all the information I have without reinforcing someones fragile ego.