It is not correct to say many times things are misinterpreted due to it being an email or forum setting. When you are a flaming jerk you come across as a flaming jerk period.
That said while it's true there are members who can be quite rude, there are also members who are not. The issue is someone always has to be right. That's just the way of the world, again period. Advice is given and if it is not heeded it will not bode well because the person asking for the advice did not take the advice hence the person giving it did not have their direct orders followed which sometimes makes them feel as if the person seeking advice things they are wrong.
Many times members post will my chinchilla be ok--many time no it will not be ok and it's going to die but instead of being told that they are told go to the vet. With the way things are in the world today everyone looks for the easy answer or the immediate answer. Members come on the forum and ask what's wrong with their animal--well we cannot diagnosis that--number 1 we are vets, number 2 the animals isn't even in front of us.
When a member posts about a serious illness like an URI or bloat or malo and they do not heed the advice of please take your animal to the vet immediately it angers the people giving the advice, especially if the animal dies because the advice was not heeded. When a member posts they have a "surprise" baby and they are told to separate male and female right away and they say they do but then have another birth a few months later and again are seeking advice this angers the people giving the advice. When a member posts they have chins who are fighting and they are told to separate them but they do not and then one or both winds up dead this angers the people giving the advice.
If you ask for advice you need to be prepared for the answer given. If you ask for advice that means you should be willing to follow the instructions of that advice. If you do not it was senseless for you to even ask.
Sometimes the forum members do not agree on something and this can also cause issues. Chinchillas don't NEED playtime, they don't NEED treats, they don't NEED 60 degree weather and no higher but, some people think they do and if you don't provide it to them it makes you a bad person.
The forum is here for the animals and not the owners. We care about the health and welfare of your chinchilla. Is it ok to make a mistake--yes it is ok, mistakes happen all the time. If there is an "oldie" out there who says they have never made a mistake with their chinchillas they are lying. Mistakes happen in life, if you continue to do what caused the mistake the first time it is totally your fault and quite honestly you should take the heat for repeating the same mistakes.
And a word to any newbies out there if you do feel attacked in a thread you have posted you do have the right to report the post. The admins may not always agree with you but you have the right to say someone has treated you unfairly.
You also don't have to accept everything a seasoned member tells you as the golden rule either
I wholeheartedly agree with Laurie! Especially to the bold- you can't expect to ask for advice, receive it, and then say "oh well I know better".
First and foremost, this forum is here for the benefit of the animals.
Years ago I openly admitted that I kept my chin in a no-pet apartment. I was chewed out just as fast as chins chew applewood! But you know what, they were right. It hurt to hear that I was selfish and that Gizmo could be endanger- but once the situation was resolved, I was less stressed, and was able to be a "spokesperson" for following rules regarding pets.
This forum is blunt, because when there is a life involved, there is no room to sugarcoat.
Food: no fruits/veggies and minimum treats. PERIOD
Signs of illness: take to a vet. PERIOD
Fighting cagemates: separate. PERIOD
I don't ever understand when people try to do things their way because it conveniences them. There is responsibility when it comes to animals and if you go on a public forum to ask advice, be ready to receive it- the good, the bad, and the ugly.
I will support a member who admits their faults and corrects it. IMO, we're all extremely caring and compassionate individuals. I don't post here as often as I used to, primarily because if its health related, I stress out too much when hearing a wide range of opinions. I'm close to people who have knowledge in chins, and I don't feel embarrassed to PM those who may offer some insight.
In regards to using the search feature- perhaps newbies should actually take time and read the stickies. They contain valuable information. And as my mom says, its better to be proactive than reactive. Read up on important information BEFORE actually needing it.
To those who are fearful of posting: Dont be. This is one of the greatest forums I have ever been on. I have made valuable friends and the wealth of knowledge surpasses any information found elsewhere. Wanna know the last time I googled "chinchilla"? Probably over a year- and it was to show a coworker what they were. Or maybe it was when I was searching "chinchilladas"... lol
With that though, we all receive the attitude that we put out. If you become defensive in posts, other posters will be defensive right back at you. And if youre genuinely offended by something that someone says, SAY SOMETHING to them! My goodness, I remember Peggy (tunes) once commented on a post of mine WAYYY long ago. And her response offended me, so I PM'd her. Thats right, I PM'd the one running the show. No hurt feelings though. Like everything else in life, "you get what you put into it".
Put down the boxing gloves for a bit, and listen to the advice given. And for good measure, to the oldies: remember we all started somewhere.