Need some help please.

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I know how you are feeling. I am currently going through the same thing, and have been for almost a month now. It comes and goes. Currently I am fighting to get poos myself. You will get the hang out force feeding, it took me a few days, but I did. You need to go in from the side of his mouth and get it back far enough that he won't spit it out. I would definately encourage learning to do subcu fluids if things still aren't clearing up after you start him on the meds. I am thinking happy thoughts for Taz. Good luck with everything.
I was checking on Taz during the night, and this morning he looked so much better. He has more energy and isn't running like crazy on his wheel.I called the vet first thing at 8am this morning, and she told me to bring him in right away. I explained the situation to her, and then she started to do his physical exam. I turned him over so she could check his teeth, and he pooped! I was so excited I got all teary eyed. The vet was very happy to see that poop at well. He has a very small burr on the bottom left side of one of his teeth, but nothing that major that it can't wait til he gets feeling better. She examined his belly, and he isn't distended or hard. So his stomach is ok.

She gave me some critical care and told me to feed it to him at least three times a day, more if he will take it. She also gave me some Metoclopramide for him every 12 hours.

He seems so much better this morning. I mixed up the Critical Care when I got home, but he didn't each much of it. I think he was too stressed out from the vet visit. I'll try him again later. I gave him his Metoclopramide when we got back. It is cherry flavor, and he liked that. She also said to give him some fresh apple, which he took a sliver of and ate right away.

I talked to the vet about the ER doctor not being able to help me, and how I came here and got all this wonderful information from you all. She said that I was already doing everything she would have told me to do had she seen him last week. Coming here obviously helped him through this. I would have probably lost him if I had not had the help I got from you all here. Again, I thank you all so very much for all your help.

Oh, I told her about the puffed pellets. She had never heard of that, and she loved that idea! She doesn't see alot of exotic animals here. So she is always reading up about new and different things. She said that she will keep that information for the next person who needs that help.

I think I will take a short nap now, it has been a long and stressful few days. :)
Excellent! Glad to hear we have poops!

We are an odd group of people...............:)
Geez, now he won't take that Critical Care at all. He hates it, now I have to syringe feed him to get him to take it. How much should I be filling the syringe with the CC? I don't want to over feed him in one feeding. He was eating off a spoon before, but now he refuses to eat the CC that way.

The fresh apple the vet told me to give him is for the fiber. Not to give him too much, just a piece or two.
I would stay away from the apple and stick with CC and some lifeline which you can order from Chocolate Chinchillas.

If you are having trouble getting the CC in him, you can wrap him up in a towel burrito style, not too tight, but enough to restrain him.
My chin vet told me to feed Herby 10 cc's when she was on the CC after her tooth grinding. and to get the fiber, you could also grind some pellets and mix the CC in with those, as well.

Good Luck!
Just to maintain weight a chin should have around 50 mL of CC a day. It varies depending on the weight of the chin but that is an average. To gain weight, they need more.
did they give you the original CC or the apple banana??? there will be a gold circle sticker at the top that says apple/bannana. my chin absolutely would not touch the regular...........but i was able to get some apple banana in him.
maybe you can mix the CC with some of the crushed pellet mix you made???
also just watch his poop, if you see some bubbles on it that means he is passing gas and you may want to add a little of the infant baby gas drops to help pass the gas that is still trapped.
I feed 50 mL twice a day when someone's sick. They seem to handle the 50 mL in one sitting with no trouble. 10, to me, would be a waste of time. I would have to feed them every half hour to get enough into them to do any good.

And yes, whether he wants to or not, you're going to have to forcefeed him. It's a rare chin that jumps up and down at the first sight of critical care. I swear they think it's poison. My worst case was a girl I had to do prolonged hand feeding on after the bad PenPals issue. She was on CC for over a year and the first 3 weeks was a nightmare. I had to fight her every step of the way to take it. She spit more out than I got in, and I would have to just scoop it up and shovel it back in. After that though, she actually reached for the syringe at feeding time.

Chins are weird.
mishellyshel: the vet gave me the apple flavor figuring he would like it more. Not happening here. I will watch his output for the bubbles as well. There were no poops this morning. I am hoping when I get home from work, he will have some as I fed him before I left for work this morning.

tunes, thank you for the information. I will adjust what I am feeding him tonight to that schedule. If I had to fight with Taz for a year, I think I would be bald from pulling my hair out. You deserve a medal for that. And you are so right, chins are weird critters.
4luvofchins, I hope all goes well for you with your chinnie. It definitely is a hard thing at first to feed them. But I think I am getting the hang of it now. I can't remember where I read on here about holding your fingers on each side of their head and one on the top so they can't move their head around so much. Then ya tuck them under your arm so to speak. It works great! Thank you whoever you are for posting that. It has made feeding Taz so much easier.
It took a while for me to get my chin to feed without a fight! In fact Barb from Mt Zion Chins on this forum actually drove to my house and showed me how to hand feed!
Now my Richie sits on my lap, no towel, just barely holding him and he eats what he wants and when he is done he turns his head. I try to get between 2 & 3 feedings a day and sometimes he only eats 15cc's at a feeding and sometimes 30ccs. But when I first started and got into a grove he was eating 50 - 60 cc's at one sitting!
Just be patient.........and dont' forget to still do the tummy massage and keep letting him out for exercise to get that gut moving until he is pooping with a little more consistancy.
I wish I could do that right now with Taz. He looks so freaked out when I wrap him up. And then he looks at me with those eyes, and makes me feel like the wicked witch of the west..I hope down the line he will get to the point where it won't be such a fight with him.

thank you all again for your support. I really appreciate it.
well lets hope taz makes a full recovery and does not require you to handfeed him long term. get him over this hump and get him back on pellets.
i always left some pellets in Richie's cage even in the beginning. you never know when Taz will feel like munching. the sooner he gets on pellets the sooner he will be off handfeeding.
as for the towel, i had much more success with the smaller towels or large hand towel. for me the bath towels were so bulky that he would squirm right out of them.
My chin vet told me to feed Herby 10 cc's when she was on the CC after her tooth grinding. and to get the fiber, you could also grind some pellets and mix the CC in with those, as well.

Good Luck!

I forgot to say that I had to feed her 4 times a day, at 10 cc's , though sometimes I fed her more than that, if she was up to it. ( she did not like being burritoed [sp] and it stressed her out a bit )