
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I've been checking KSL pretty regularly because I want to get a buddy for Hercules eventually and It's so frustrating! People are so stupid. This morning I went on and this girl posted that she was selling her 3 month old chinchilla which she's had for only three days for $100 dollars. The reason she gave for selling her was because she was starting school. I just can't believe someone could be so irresponsible. I wish I had the means to take in all those little guys here. :tissue:
3 days? She's hardly even tried to get to know the lil chin!! People are very irresponsible! Hopefully some kind soul will adopt this lil chin and give it a proper home.
The ones that get me are the trades. I saw one the other day..."will trade 8mo chin for a cell phone. And has to be a nice one because chins are like 100bucks"

I read Craiglists Pet section everyday. And there are sooooo many people on it that simply do not care about their pets. The common excuses are: "I have to move"... "I am going away for school"... "We are having a baby"... "I just don't have the time"... Too many... This is the reason why shelters are all full now with abandoned dogs, kitties and rodents. It is truly sad, especially with so many high-kill animal shelters out there! :cry3:

I told my husband that I want to start a rescue group when we have the time and financial means. :)
I have an aquaintance on another forum who is looking for a dog. He and his fiance are looking at shelter dogs only. He said he would prefer to actually go to a shelter that may euthanize an animal if it is not adoted, as he feels he is doing double good by saving the animal's life. He is young, about 21, but seems responsible. I liked the words he chose..he wants an "apartment sized" dog. :thumbsup:
That's just not right. Had it for 3 days, surely she knew before getting it that she was going to school.

I hate people like that. Though, I can say, I had to be one of those people on Wednesday. I raised a baby turtle from the size of a quarter to the size of my hand, and she was past the aquarium stage. Her next step was going to be a pond, but ponds are out of the question in my neighborhood :cry3: So I took her to the Phoenix Herpetological Society and they are going to keep her with other turtles so she can grow as big as she wants. :)

Uhg, and a cell phone??? Please, people are ignorant.
I read Craiglists Pet section everyday. And there are sooooo many people on it that simply do not care about their pets. The common excuses are: "I have to move"... "I am going away for school"... "We are having a baby"... "I just don't have the time"... Too many... This is the reason why shelters are all full now with abandoned dogs, kitties and rodents. It is truly sad, especially with so many high-kill animal shelters out there! :cry3:

I told my husband that I want to start a rescue group when we have the time and financial means. :)

I hate excuses like that to... I just found out I am having a baby, and this baby makes my 5th child... Doesn't mean I am going to go out and get rid of my 15 chins just because I am pregnant... That is the stupidest excuse ever... I mean come on would they give away their other kids because they are having the new one? No... SO why the animals.. My animals are just apart of my children as my human children...
A lot of people give up their chins because they are having a baby. Out of the last 20 or so rescues maybe 7 or 8 of those were from people giving up chins because they were "having their first child." The excuses range from they don't have enough room to they don't feel it is fair for the chin to be ignored.

I don't get it, either. If I ever have a kid, I most certainly won't ever get rid of the chinchillas. The chinchillas were here first! :) And besides, if I really wanted a child, the reason why could very possibly be that I need cage cleaning help. (I'm just kidding...really, I am.) :)
Yeah, I guess not everyone sees there pets like their children. Getting a pet should always be a life long commitment.

That's so terrible trading an animal for a phone. The other day I saw someone trying to trade an animal for a different animal. ridiculous.
I can't even look at Craigslist anymore because it makes me too upset. As soon as I move into a house I'm adopting all the needy chins I can afford. I saw an ad the last time I looked saying chinchillas were "very easy to care for, can be fed a variety of household items like corn chips and sunflower seeds" I raged. :(
I was on there posting some aquariums I have, and I typed in "chinchilla cages" for the heck of it and someone was selling a rat in a "chinchilla cage." It was so small, even for a rat. Their reason for getting rid of the rat: "Rats only live a few years, and this one is already 2 1/2 years old, will probably die any day now, I want it gone so I can make room for another rat" He provided his e-mail, and let's just say he got a nasty letter from me. That just disgusted me.
I had someone who was looking for a home for their chins because they were having their first baby. I asked them 'why' - that plenty of people have chins and a baby. They claimed that the chin made too much of a mess around his cage and it would be too unsantitary (sp) for a baby because of the poop on the floor. I decided not to get 'into it' any more with them and just took the chins to find them a better home.
I've told people so many times that chins just can't harbor the type of bacteria that would make a child, even a baby, sick! No one listens. Seriously, the droppings don't have all the much more in them than what's already on the baby's hands or body in the first place.

And, Britteny - that is the most disgusting thing ever. Reading that made me a little sick to my stomach. Geez... Some people...
I hate excuses like that to... I just found out I am having a baby, and this baby makes my 5th child... Doesn't mean I am going to go out and get rid of my 15 chins just because I am pregnant... That is the stupidest excuse ever... I mean come on would they give away their other kids because they are having the new one? No... SO why the animals.. My animals are just apart of my children as my human children...

Oh come on, you know you would :D that could be an extra $1500-1900 :D

My favorite escuse is that the Chinny had too much FUR, Ummmmm yeah it is a creature that was bred for umm FUR. Next one is that it 'growled" at me! I was going to feed it to my snake and it growled at me" yeah maybe it smelled the snake on you and was PROTECTING itself. Best two babies that I have .
OMG i just read this on craigslist

"my female charcoal chinchilla needs a male chinchilla to breed with. i do not want another chinchilla just a person that wants there male to mate with mine, profits of the babies will be discusted. sorry i do not have a picture "
That's not cool. You know, there is a flag setting on craigslist. It clearly says do not post anything about animals, other than animals needing a good home, but sometimes people take that a little too far. I have flagged many and they got taken down.
There's one up in Syracuse now...the person wants a cell with a keyboard-type pad. My stepmom has an extra cell...I thought about going and getting the chin...then realized the last time my boyfriend left me home alone, he came home to a third chinchilla. I don't think he's be so pleased if I "surprised" him with number four. It kinda breaks my heart to see stuff like this. I don't understand how people can be so heartless towards their pets.
I think this is the next thing we're going to see (found on another forum).


Please help! After two long years of being on a waiting list for a kitty, we have been notified by breed rescue that, at long last, our number has come up and ...


We must get rid of our children IMMEDIATELY because we just know how time-consuming our new little kitten is going to be and it just wouldn't be fair to the children. Since our little kitty will be arriving on Monday we MUST place the children up for adoption this weekend!

They are described as:

One male - his name is Tommy, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), light blonde hair, blue eyes. Four years old. Excellent disposition. He doesn't bite. Temperament tested. Does have problems with peeing directly in the toilet. Has had chicken Pox and is current on all shots. Tonsils have already been removed. Tommy eats everything, is very clean, house trained and gets along well with others. Does not run with scissors and with a little training he should be able to read soon.

One female - her name is Lexie, Caucasian (English/Irish mix), strawberry blonde hair, green eyes quite freckled. Two years old. Can be surly at times. Non-biter, thumb sucker. Has been temperament tested but needs a little attitude adjusting occasionally. She is current on all shots, tonsils out, and is very healthy and can be affectionate. Gets along well with other little girls and little boys but does not like to share her toys and therefore would do best in a one child household. She is a very quick learner and is currently working on her house training. Shouldn't take long at all.

We really do LOVE our children so much and want to do what's right for them. That is why we contacted a rescue group. But we simply can no longer keep them. Also, we are afraid that they may hurt our new kitty.

I hope you understand that ours is a UNIQUE situation and we have a real emergency here! They MUST be placed into your rescue by Sunday night at the latest or we will be forced to drop them off at the orphanage or along some dark, country road. Our priority now has to be our new kitty.
