Chinchilla repeated sneezing

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Mar 13, 2022
Hello! I noticed about an hour ago that my chinchilla was sneezing repeatedly when I touched her/she made any significant movements. I’ve been with her for about an hour now, and she’s done it consistently. This isn’t something she did last night or any other time, and I’m quite worried about it. She’s pretty inactive at the moment, but it’s also midday so it’s normal for her. We are thinking about calling the vet because it seems like this could be a respiratory infection, although the sneezing is the only symptom she seems to have. It’s likely the vets won’t be available until Monday or later, though, and in that case, what should we do?
I have a video of the end of a sneezing bout as well.
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It's hard to tell much from a 2 sec video, but based on the other info it sounds like it could be an respiratory infection. Chins are really good at acting as normal as possible until they physically can't, so often they are way sicker then they appear. I realize it's a bit late in the reply now but I would get the chin in as soon as possible, they can go down hill really fast, sometimes in as little as hours after you first notice symptoms.
It's hard to tell much from a 2 sec video, but based on the other info it sounds like it could be an respiratory infection. Chins are really good at acting as normal as possible until they physically can't, so often they are way sicker then they appear. I realize it's a bit late in the reply now but I would get the chin in as soon as possible, they can go down hill really fast, sometimes in as little as hours after you first notice symptoms.
She isn’t doing it anymore, was doing it for the hour that I was with her in the morning, sneezed a couple times in the afternoon, but by nighttime it was gone. She seems fine today. Her eyes look normal and so does her nose/mouth, we’re wondering if it was just something irritating her at the time. Either way we are still planning on taking her to the vet, although they don’t open until tomorrow. Hopefully she is fine.