Funny Chin Nicknames

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Templeton --> Temp, Poo, Poopy, Shmoopy, Stink Pot, and my dad calls him Chomper...Temp bit!
Chinzilla - Chinchilla (spanish pronunciation, though), Chinzi, Chinz, Chinzers, Chinchi, Princess (because she thinks she is one).
Chiquita - Chiquita Bonita, ChiquiChiquiTita, Sweet Pea

I thought about naming Chiquita "Sweet" and renaming Chinzilla "Sour." Haha...they definitely have different personalities.

I have a tendency to want to call both of them ChiChi, but that is slang for something else in spanish that I don't really want to be calling my pets - even though it just sorta slides off the tongue given than their names both start with "Chi"

My husband likes to call Chinzilla "Ratita" when he wants to act like she's just a big rat, but he loves her and wanted a second chin.
Kokomo - Koko, Kokobutt, Kokonut
Kenai - nothing has stuck yet... Scott put a decisive end to me trying to call him Kiki :D

Both boys are inevitably called cutie, cutie butt, lil dude, lil buddy, etc...
Pip: Pippy, Pepe' Pippy Looongstocking

Oscar: Oski Poo

Max: Imax, Maxaaaa (with the long sound 'a')

Feeney: Feeney Bopper
we call both ours (and everyone's really) chichillas (no 'n' long 'i' and with the spanish y for the ll) :).
We were still deciding on names for them when we got them and one of our boys is an eater. He eats all the time. So one day I called him fatso and it stuck. But we gave Greek names to them that we don't really use.
Grigoris- meaning quick
stamatis-meaning stop
Bubba- Bubba a baby voice of course. Or sometimes just Bub
Chucky-Chuck Chuck, Chunkerz, Chubby..
:D this thread is so much fun to read! We have a dozen funny nicknames, too, but unfortunately they don't translate in English.
Hehe, most of our chins have nicknames. We also call the herd chinchiladas, chiladas, or the babies. Everyone that didn't come to us with a name already is named within our final fantasy theme.
Here's just a few of the more interesting ones....
Apollo: apahlolahlo, pahlomarshmahlow, sexypants, meathead
Chai: cha-chai, miss diva, princess
Edea: squish, squishpot, squishy
Edgar: biglet, cheeseburger
Gaia: babyface, babeface, babykins
Jenova: monkey, munty, monkeyface, muntyface, monkeyflip
Kimahri: mahweeeee, mahweehead, mahwee-nosehole
Kupo: poopo, koopoo, ookoopoo, kupopo
Queeny: queenybeanie
Sabin: nugget, chicken nugget
Terra: terraberra, berra, bear, bearbear, b*tchybear, mamabear
For my chinnies

Rosco- Rosco boy, boy
Lalita- Lalita Bonita, Girl, My Girl, Girly, Little Girl

there is not much you can come up with, so i stick to their genders!

and Ricky (who now lives with my sister)- Rick Rick, Rick 'ums, little Rick, (my sister's BF calls him Little Dick, LOL)
I often refer to them as "chinny-bo-binnies" or, if I'm feeling extravagant, "chinchilla-bo-billas". Kahlua is often turned into "Kahlulu" and Bella becomes "Bell-bell". I've also been known to combine the two into "Kah-lula-bell".
Hehe, most of our chins have nicknames. We also call the herd chinchiladas, chiladas, or the babies.

LOL I call mine "Chinny-Chongas"...Monika from PTChins said that one day and it stuck with me!