Gizmo --> Thief, Mr. Couch Potato, Booger Butt, Banana Brain, Fatso, Geez Mo, Horny Toad (I call him Booger Butt, Horny Toad every now and then. My best friend calls him Geez Mo and my daddy calls him the rest)
Macy --> Pretty Girl, Macy Way-see, Mace, Flipper
Shiloh --> Handsome Boy, McLovin (my niece started calling him that after he was separated from Gizmo and started loving attention.) Sir Poo A-Lot
Chase --> Chaser's, Mr. Sneaky, Baby Daddy (4 year old niece must I say more)
Luna --> Babes, Heyy Babes, Mommy, Ms. Grumpy Pants
Pip --> Cry baby, Whiskers, Kisses
Squeak --> Chewy, Little Miss Piggy
Pip and Squeak together are called the girls, or the twins.
Daddy says they have a job too. lol Gizmo's is Professional Couch potato. Macy is a professional cage decorator. Shiloh is the Professional Escape Artist. Chase is Professional Heart Therapist. Luna is Professional Grump or Mommy. The Twins are Professional Con-Artist.
^Daddy's weird lol
All of them are often refer to as: My babies, Chinny Poos, Furbabies/Furkids, grandfurkids, great grandfurkids
my grandpa calls them his great grandfurkids and when he's talking to my mom he'll ask how her grandfurkids are doing lol