Funny Chin Nicknames

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Scoot - Scooter mooter
Hemi - Hemi Shmemi, Hemi emi, Chunky Monkey
Mocha - Mocha bum
Loki - Lil' Loki, Loki moki, Loki Boo
Bailey - Bails
Baloo - Baloo loo
Kumiko - Miko
Kobie - Kobie shmobie

And I call them all my "boos" , "booger-boys", "chinchiwwas" or "chinchillies"
They are all "squibbets", everyone of them. Everyone around here used to ask what they looked like and we would say a squirrel rabbit cross, so my sister started calling them squibbets and we did and it has passed around, lol.
Cervantes: CV, Ceeveeteez, Mumma's big boy, The Dread Pie-Rat (after the video game character he's named for), my little Nose Miner, Brat.

Crash: Bang, Snugglebutt, Mumma's baby boy, Chunk, Fatso (he's over 800 g), Mumma's Big Boy, Sweety. His full name is Crash No-Touchy Sterner-Hahn.

Both: Fuzzy butts, Fluffy Butts, Mah Bay-bees!, The Boys, Mumma's boys, the Chew Machines, the Poo Flingers, and our friend Steve calls them the Koalamunks.
Gizmo --> Thief, Mr. Couch Potato, Booger Butt, Banana Brain, Fatso, Geez Mo, Horny Toad (I call him Booger Butt, Horny Toad every now and then. My best friend calls him Geez Mo and my daddy calls him the rest)
Macy --> Pretty Girl, Macy Way-see, Mace, Flipper
Shiloh --> Handsome Boy, McLovin (my niece started calling him that after he was separated from Gizmo and started loving attention.) Sir Poo A-Lot
Chase --> Chaser's, Mr. Sneaky, Baby Daddy (4 year old niece must I say more)
Luna --> Babes, Heyy Babes, Mommy, Ms. Grumpy Pants
Pip --> Cry baby, Whiskers, Kisses
Squeak --> Chewy, Little Miss Piggy
Pip and Squeak together are called the girls, or the twins.

Daddy says they have a job too. lol Gizmo's is Professional Couch potato. Macy is a professional cage decorator. Shiloh is the Professional Escape Artist. Chase is Professional Heart Therapist. Luna is Professional Grump or Mommy. The Twins are Professional Con-Artist.

^Daddy's weird lol

All of them are often refer to as: My babies, Chinny Poos, Furbabies/Furkids, grandfurkids, great grandfurkids

my grandpa calls them his great grandfurkids and when he's talking to my mom he'll ask how her grandfurkids are doing lol
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LoL most of my friends refer to Tika as "the rodent" jokingly, they all love her. But.

Tika: Little Miss T or just T
One of my sisters refers to them as "The Rodents" or "The Chipmunks". NOT funny :(

As a group, they are "My Chinchildren".

Mr. Whiskers is Whiskers, Whiskey, My Whiskery Chinchilla, Mama's Big Boy, Chinkapea, Pea

My Little Snuggler is The Snuggler, Snugs, Snuggie, My Snuggly Chinchilla, Tube Hog, Mama's Little Fatty

Little Two Paws is Tutu, Mama's Baby Chinchilla, Nacho (he has little notches on his ears)

I'm sure I have a million more, but these are the ones that come to mind at the moment!!!
Stewart and I lovingly refer to the gang as chinchiladas sometimes!

Bobo--Bobee, Boberschmobe
GiGi--Beejer, Beejer Bee
Abigail--Abby, Babagail, Peeper, PeeScoops
Solange--Princess Solange--really you just can't nickname beauty
Wesley--WesWee--****er Goob
Mick St. John is just Mick St. John--he's too sexy of a vampire chin to have a nickname!
Bronwyn is sweetie peet.
Jack- Happy Jack (which is technically his full name); scoops (he lets me scoop him up); Gandalf (because he looks like an old man); Jacques

Edmund- Fatty; Pookie; King Edmund the Just, Duke of Lantern Waste, Count of the Western March, Knight of the Noble Order of the Table
Whiskers had the "whiskey" nickname.
And now our 2 new chins real names are CJ and Pepper but my husband calls them Salt & Peppa!
Isabelle - Iz, Izzie, Izzi-baby-****oo, Izzie-boo, Popcorn, 'Zilla, Fluffbutt
Carmen - The Carm, Carmie Sue, Cuddlebug, Punkinchilla
Minnie - Minniemus, Minnums, Minnie Boo, Crankums (she's a little cranky at times)

Both are called "pretty girl" and "gorgeous" :)
Who doesn't use nicknames with the fluffinators!

I never officially named my first 2 boys because they were twins and from more than 6" away, I can't tell them apart.

Chillie Pepper
Chillie Brother
The bros.
The twins
1st shift

Lou gets unmanly nicknames (sorry, little guy)
Skip to my Lou


too new to have goofy names yet
McLovin - Stud Muffin
Bubbles - Bub Bub.
Doofus - Cap'n Doofie or Big Mama (She's enormous)
Aiko - Pretty girl.
Rini - Scaredy Cat.
Leroy - little Roy, Le-Boy, smunchie (???)
Stitch - Squishy, Wishy and Fatty Big Bum.

Leroy's not that little, it's just he's always been so much smaller than Stitch - there's about 100g between them. Fatty Big Bum is nearly 800g, not bad for a Sapphire Carrier.
Anabel - baby face, little bugaboo

Jezebel - squiggee muffin, little mama, destructo
Chichi~ Mama's Cheechers
Fatfat~ Mama's Batbat
Chillie~ Mama's Chillie Peppurrrr
Sophie~ Mama's Dopey
Charlotte~ Mama's Charli Belle
Lily~ Mama's Lily Pearl
Molly~ Mama's Molly Mae
Priscilla~ Mama's Silly Silla
Matilda~ Mama's Tilda
Onyx~ Mama's Ony
Monza - Buddha, Budders, Butters, Butterbean
Vega - Vargas, Baby Vargas, Vargs, Sparkles, Baby Sparkles

Both are classified as Oozie Bears by myself. I have this odd thing where I can't call anyone or any animal by their given name lol