Funny Chin Nicknames

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All: Puffrats; dustbags*

(*) If you have a fine scale, weigh your chin before and right after a dust bath. If you wait too long and they have a high PPM rate (poos per minute) it'll skew the results.
this thread is the best :)

Pax (which means peace in latin): chinny, winnie, binnie, wynn dixie, illa the chinchilla, pop-pop, baby boo, boo boo, poo poo, mommy's baby
I have Tilly and Gizmo. Sometimes I call them a combined name like Tillmo, Gilly or Gizzy. Other times my partner and I just call them stinker #1 and stinker #2. Also, at one point we weren't sure if Tilly was a boy or girl so we started calling her Bill (as a joke). Although we know now she is definitiely a girl we still call her that.

I am also fluent in French and I call them Mes petits cochons (my little pigs) avec des grandes derrieres (with big bottoms)
Lenore - Nor, Nor-Nor, Nor-face, poop, Le-snore
Rory - Rors, Rorita (my mom calls her this), poop, stinky, boo-bear, Snory

combined - puppies, bums, bum bums, bummies, poops, fur bums, fur balls, pocket kangaroos, floppies
Sometimes I call mine my "funny bunnies" because I often think chinchillas look like deranged rabbits (only much cuter!) :)
Pachuco -

Pachuke, Chuke, Chu-kie, Chu-ko, Patch-chew-chew, Pachuke-a-dookie (works on so many levels)

And my personal favorite from my friend Travis:

(This is all one name with pauses taken at the commas)

patch, patch-chu, patch-chu-co, DEFENDER OF THE NIGHT!!! :laughitup:
Moche is Mr Sparkels, Soft, Moche Soft, and softing.
Shadow is Shadow buddy,
Theodore is Teddy, teddy bear, baby soft.
Syd is little soft, baby soft , mean soft and Angry soft. He always chews his cage bars and will attack any of the other boys. I think he has small chinchilla syndrome.
and they speak spanish." husband and I speak spanish to one of our chins more than the other for some reason (maybe because she has a spanish name) so she's our spanish speaking chin.
Trixie is usually bubbie or baby girl. Rick insists on calling her furball...because he says that is what she looks like.
I call them my cheechillies, chinchillums, or the chinchildren. My boyfriend calls them silly puppies, who knows why.

Fatso is Fatty Bo Batty.. and Meanie Fatso.
Figs is Figgums, Figaroo, and Precious Baby Figs.
Lol I love this thread!

I call them collectively the Chu-Chus or My fatties/fuzzies or the Chin-bobins. Hahaha...

Peach - Chu-Chu-man, Peach-cakes, Peachy, Peach-man, Peachinski
Pumpkin - Nezzer (...He's always sticking his little nose out of the Kinny-Kins, Pumpkin-Nez, Pumpkin-man
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I'll play! We only have the one chin, Pip. We call him:

The Doodle
The Cute
The Cuteness
Mister Doodle