Complaint Notice?

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Pro Cage Cleaner Champion
May 18, 2009
Sahuarita, Arizona (a half hour south of Tucson)
I just got home from errands. I found a complaint notice on my door saying that I was not properly caring for my animals. Now, I don't know who would have complained, it has to be someone, who knows I have chinchillas.

I'm very shaky right now. I don't know what to think. My animals are fed, given toys, given playtime and go to the vet when it is needed.

I don't know what to do, I am waiting for animal control to call me back. I would never in a hundred years think anyone would turn me into animal control. It would have to be a neighbor or someone, who has been here.

I just don't know what to do, I am so nervous and scared. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. There's old cages on the front porch that I haven't gotten I don't know if that's what they are complaining about.

Right now I just need help in dealing with heart can't take the stress though.
I'm so sorry to hear this. I've never had to deal with anything like this before. If people are complaining that you are not taking care of your animals then it sounds like you need people to support the fact that you ARE taking proper care of them.

Perhaps some well respected chinchilla breeders have publications on the proper care of chins? I'm sure your vet has records of all of your visits and can give some official documentation that proves that you give them the proper medical attention?
I am sure once they call you back you will see it was a crap complaint. Don't worry. It is probably a **** that just was mad for something stupid like you wouldn't sell them the chinchilla they wanted for the price they wanted.
I'm sure if they go so far as to actually want to show up they will see your animals and see that they are properly cared for. Don't stress too much, it may just be them complaining that they don't want to see the cages on your porch and then they'll just tell you to move them. Neighbors usually only complain about things that effect them, that's why I think it might be the cages. And like they said above I'm sure your vet can back you up and show your charts and records of the animals he's seen.
Susan, everything will work out right. Most likely it's just someone trying to be hateful and hurt you emotionally. You know you take care of your animals and I'm sure when animal control comes out, they'll tell you then same. Just calm down because you know that you put your animals first and that's all that matters.

Back on CnQ, I had someone from the forum call animal control on me stating that I wasn't taking care of my animals. Animal control showed up and told me that a concerned individual had seen photos on the forum in which it showed I had my animals in unsafe living conditions. They supplied the photos but found no evidence of cruelty or safety violations, so a visit was required to make sure. After they came in and viewed the chins, they told me that there was absolutely nothing that had to be changed and that it was most likely someone just trying to push my buttons. I later found out that it was someone who had contacted me about purchasing an animal and I had already sold it and they had gotten angry because they wanted it. It was hateful for them to call animal control, but I proved in the end that I wasn't out to harm my animals, that they're my babies.
I don't know, but I am worried and very nervous. I have a big trip on Saturday...and I really need to go.

My muscles are so tight that I am in a lot of pain right now. I just don't know who would do this. I haven't dealt with anyone recently that I had an issue with...

I can't even cry because I am in shock....
I know exactly how you feel, I dealt with a hateful neighbor who was a cop, and the animal control people were so biased because of that. I remember one time he said I hadn't fed my horse because there were no new footprints. He didn't listen when I told him that was because it had been below 0 degrees for a week. Luckly that neighbor has moved
Oh, so sorry Susan. Have the neighbors actually been in your home? I can't recall from when I was there, but it doesn't really seem to me that they can see your porch. I would say not to worry...maybe call them and set an appointment to get it all over with. They will see your rescue for just what it is.
Also, as an afterthought, it's been cold here in AZ the last few nights...if you keep your dogs out overnight, is it possible this is what it's about? and not your chins? I didn't see your dogs while I was there but I'm sure they are also well cared for and have shelter etc.
Keep us posted and if there's anything I can do, please let me know.
Okay take a DEEP breath, next YOU did nothing wrong. I had CPS AND animal control called on me because of someones HATEFUL and nasty feelings about me and my animals. Told them that my animals lived in filth and that the children were neglected. Ha ASPCA came in and saw my animals and the cage they"lived in filth" in and stated that there was nothing they could see wrong, they had food, beds, blankies, and toys, and the cage was scrubbed clean as a matter of fact I had just power washed it that morning. I produced Vet records proving everybody that needed Vet care got it and vaccinated when they needed it. I have not heard from them since.
I know how scary it can be and the fear is something you need to get a hold of or it will eat you away. Get all of your documents in order and Know that those Chinnys are taken care of You know that and I am sure the ASPCA(animal control) knows it they just have to follow up on every call.
It was your cranky neighbor who hates you probably, just trying to get at you one way or another.

They will come and see that there is nothing wrong at all, don't worry about it too much or you'll make yourself sick (er) !
I had a neighbor call ASPCA once on me because she was one of those people that didn't have much to do with her time. She also hated us and wanted to find a way to make life miserable. The ASPCA came and couldn't find anything wrong with my pets. They had everything they needed and seemed to be in fine health and were well socialized because they were easy to handle (some dwarf hamsters I had when I was a kid). The guy just left and apologized for bothering us. Don't worry about it if they come by to check up just make sure everything is in order.
Susan, even if animal control comes out to check, they will find nothing wrong with your chins or the care you provide them.
I had a neighbor call about me. Animal control told me they must come out every single time there is a complaint and that they have "nuisance" complainers who take up a large portion of their time. In my case, they came into my house, saw my animals and that all were cared for, asked for the paperwork on my rescue dog, etc. I referred them to my vet (and he is well known for his community service work and for taking in animals that Animal Control knows need help), and they talked to him and confirmed that he was caring for my animals when needed.

I expected my neighbor to keep calling (which he didn't). They told me that the next time he called, they'd set him up in a program for "nuisance" callers, and that they'd still have to come by every time he called but that they could do an abbreviated visit.
Ditto on taking a deep breath. Just calm down. Our local Animal Control officer is a family friend. They're always getting bogus complaints. Keith actually had one around the time we first started dating, and he called, but she never even looked into it BECAUSE he saw fit to call, and endlessly at that, to try and get it straightened out. Give the AC another call tomorrow morning, and then tomorrow evening. Tell them you'd greatly appreciate a response ASAP as you have business to attend to Saturday. The fact that you're being adamant and trying to work with them, rather than ignoring the complaint, should give you "bonus" points.

Good luck.
This is so ridiculous to hear. Sometimes when people are uneducated about animals, they just assume if you have a lot of them then they must not be taken care of properly when we all know here that in actuality sometimes people who have the most animals take BETTER care of them than some other people.

Animal control isnt there to take them away because of a complaint. they are only there to investigate. This means when they come in they will see they are clean and happy and healthy and will probably even wind up chatting with you about how cute they are!!

Please dont fret.. it is SO scary, I know. but you have ALL OF US
Susan, I am so sorry that you of all people are going through this. I know it'll all work out. :hugs:
OH no! This is not what you need right now. Whoever called is just trying to get at you. It can't be that anyone actually believes you would neglect your animals. AC will sort this out, they'll have to check your animals and they'll see how well you take care of them.