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He sees the worst of the worst. The fur chewing along with a thin chin is bad. Chins that have not been fed regularly will chew - I run into a lot of rescues that are like that.

The overall appearance of a chin is important because it can tell him a lot about the chins. Crusty eyes, poor coat, drooling and chewing can all go together. Of course there are times that it can be genetic...I explained that to him about Dexter. :)
Ops sorry that I misread it the other time. This time for real - I'm glad things are over! I'm really happy for you. Phew~ haha
I am glad everything turned out for the best!! Those chins deserve you! Now take a deep breath and relax, it's over!! I wish you and your chins the very best and that this never ever happens again.
Hi Susan. I'm VERY glad everything worked out. I didn't start reading this thread until today and as I was reading through, I was thinking the whole time "Why is she worried? I know her chins are very well taken care of." :D I've seen you around here, I know you're an excellent chin Mom.

...I later found out that it was someone who had contacted me about purchasing an animal and I had already sold it and they had gotten angry because they wanted it. It was hateful for them to call animal control, but I proved in the end that I wasn't out to harm my animals, that they're my babies.

Wow, I would be very glad I didn't sell the animal to this person after that. It takes a certain kind of person to call animal control out of anger.

I had a neighbor call ASPCA once on me because she was one of those people that didn't have much to do with her time.

I think every neighborhood has one because when I lived at my Mom's house, the lady across the street was exactly like that. She was always calling on other people (animal control and the police), yet she was constantly letting her dogs run around the neighborhood to poop and pee on every yard. By the time I moved out, every single neighbor hated her. I was the only person she liked. I was nice to her and returned both of her dogs on numerous occasions. No reason to burn a bridge with her, I always stay nice to people.

Thanks for the link, I'm going to order one now!