Complaint Notice?

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Haha those are mine,I had them special make them for me. :D

Susan, you will be fine. Breathe.
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I'm just all tensed up. I really can't help it, it's the excess adrenaline in my body. For some reason I don't process it properly, they aren't sure what is going on with me!

Everything is in plastic bins covered. Everything is separated. I do not keep cleaning products in the chinrooms... Everything is organized nicely and put away.

The chins are all cleaned, every bit of fur is sucked off of every surface. I may dust the front room because the dust settles in there sometimes after I dust. I store the extra bags of food in the back bathroom - I turn over my food every three weeks or so, it's all very fresh. I have a trailer outside with the timothy hay in it, a nice dry place for storing pans, as well.

All the pans are clean, all the waterbottles are in proper working order...all the dishes WERE filled, but who even knows if anyone has tipped a dish over. See how paranoid I am? I clean all these cages exactly the same way every tuesday and friday and I am worried that they aren't going to be clean enough even though I just cleaned.

The person, who did this, really needs to think about what has been done. They aren't just causing me a minor inconvenience. Something like this could put me in the hospital from the stress - the adrenaline does bad things to my body. I could die of an intestinal blockage or something...I'm serious about that.

On a much lighter note...

Chinchilla cookie cutters are a good idea. I need to get some of those sometime! :) I'd love to have a plate of fresh chinnie cookies out for people.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this, I'm sure like everyone said they will look around and see it was a bogus complaint- some people feel the need to pull this and don't think of... well anything!
Breath, try and do something that can occupy your mind and calm down whatever you do to "zen out". Lavender can help calm nerves if you aren't allergic (ok I know it's out there but there is actually some research now out about it- I've been engrossed in my homework too much lol). Hopefully they will be there and gone soon!
Here you go, Susan! I think this is pretty happy, and since the subject of cookies was brought up:


"Yes, I admit, I do eat chinchillas."
heeeeeeee.... Thank you! :) Those are adorable. I love the gray sugar sprinkles. It's a little mosaic chinnie group of cookies.

I can eat on my own! :p You don't have to handfeed me, not yet anyway. I'll be alright. It just can't go on for too much longer and I do need to actually eat something. I don't want to turn into a bag of bones this year...again. :)
They haven't come yet...I have no idea of what they are looking for. They said basic wellness check. All the chins have food, water, hay, toys...DVD movies, radio....

I'm so incredibly nervous right now. I don't know if someone is jealous, I don't know why they would say that I am not caring for these animals. This is ALL I do. That and take care of my husband...and my doggies.

From what I know as long as their basic needs-food, water, shelter are met you are fine.
I hope they know chins poop a lot no matter how many times you clean it up it is always there :hmm:
Take a deep breath. . . .you'll be fine
This is just a mean joke

By AZChins:
"I would never in a hundred years think anyone would turn me into animal control. It would have to be a neighbor or someone, who has been here."

On the contrary, I would think that the complaint could only come from someone who has NOT been there.

There was no specific complaint. If it were someone who has been there or anyone anywhere near there, the complaint would read with more detail: "It smells" or "Chinchillas are starving with their ribs showing", etc. I am 100% convinced that this report was out of someone being vindictive and absolutely NOT based on fact or personal experience with you.

A complaint of vague "neglect" could only come from someone who has never seen your Herd and just wants to hurt you. I have no doubt in my mind about that.

You have the most organized Chinchilla Herd that I've ever known. Let's see...

You name ALL of your Chinchillas
You buy thirty dollar bales of hay because you only settle for the best
You feed one of the most expensive Chinchilla pellets there is (IMO the best!)
You spend hundreds on toys
You take care of you Chinchillas fulltime with no outside employment
You spend hours with your customers
You recently went to a vet for an emergency C-section...(That is not something that a neglectful person would do!)
When the Humane Society has Chinchillas that they can't take on themselves THEY CALL YOU.
You have receipts showing food supplies, vet visits, toys...documentation of all of your Chinchillas - birthdays, sales, pedigrees.
You've maintained a good reputation for over 10 years - honest, loves these animals, a great amount of knowledge & experience. I've seen a lot of Breeders come & go, but you're still here, Your website is still here, You are obviously still very much actively involved with these animals & this community. The same could never be said of a neglectful owner.

If this were a complaint about the Number of Chinchillas that you have, what is Animal Control going to do? Demand that you get rid of 50? 100? 200? Where would those animals go? What does AC do when they confiscate animals? They try to find a Rescue for them. You ARE the Rescuer! If they tell you that your 'number' is too high - That means that they would rather see those Chinchillas die than be with you because There is no other choice.

They can't call you a hoarder because you keep track of every animal you have. You can give a run down of the personality of every Chinchilla that you have. You have MANY Chinchillas that are over a decade in age. You still have your very 1st Chinchilla.

If this were an abuse or neglect complaint...let's face it - Animal Control is going to be apologizing for wasting your time. I believe that they are going to be impressed when they see your beautiful Herd. You're not just 'Not Neglectful', you are at the extreme polar opposite of that! You live & breathe these animals. They are your life & your love. Your vet has told you a dozen times that your illness/mortality percentage is lower than anyone else with a number of animals.

How many people have walked into your house with the comment, "Wow, if I didn't see the cages, I would never know that there are animals here because there is no animal smell". (My favorite compliment :) )

The worst part of this ordeal is what you've been going through from the time you've received this notice to the time up until AC arrives on your doorstep. Once these people see you home, they will know that the complaint was complete bogus and the accusation is laughable. So, I'm really sorry about what you've been going through for the last 24 hours.

And To the person that did this to you - Way to go! You've successfully hurt Susan!

Susan, offer to "educate" the person who comes to "inspect" you - it's not as if you couldn't do that with absolute ease. Talk the hind legs off a donkey (do you have that expression in the US?) about how wonderful chins are, what you do with them, how you spend time giving advice on forums etc etc - I bet the person goes away dead impressed :nod:

I can't see that there's anything they can complain about except maybe having information overload at the end of the session ;) problem. The officer came over, looked around at everyone for a bit. Asked some questions about the hay cubes and exercise, took pictures of Melantha, Dasi and Danelle flopping in the dust and of Jack doing his flip. Said everything was clean and the chins were healthy. :) He did ask if I had chins coming in and chins going out...yes, they find homes and yes, rescues come in and some babies are born.

He said that he was surprised that one person could keep it that nice in there. As he was leaving he said that he was sorry to have worried me but they had to investigate all complaints. This could have been a hoarding situation where the animals weren't cared for properly. I understand that...I told him that it was good that they big deal.

At this point I was more worried about why someone complained. I am sure that this person has never been here...and I am positive that that person was just trying to hurt me and was not trying to help the chins in any way.

No problems at all. Claire - I think I did give information overload. I wanted to help this person in case he sees chins again. I showed him a fur chewer and I explained how it wasnt normal at all for the chins to do that...I said that much of the time the chewing is due to malnutrition. :)

So, everything is good. They will not come out again, he said it was unnecessary. It's not like I can fake the chins looking fat and happy, right? :)
I'm so glad that's over for you!
Now it's time for a long bubble bath!
Go relax,you've earned it!
I am sorry you had to worry about this all night & day. That is really low of someone to blindly report someone, especially you!! No surprise that you passed with flying colors!! You can breathe now!! :kiss:
revenge is a dish best served cold. i think you should take a deep breath, have a nice glass of wine or cup of tea. and move on. you know you are a good person and most excellant chin mama & breeder........
I'm glad to hear that it went well. Most animal controls and SPCA's are mandated that they HAVE to look into every complaint. It's unfortunate that a lot of people use that as a way to harass others and waste the time of the organizations.

No problems at all. Claire - I think I did give information overload. I wanted to help this person in case he sees chins again. I showed him a fur chewer and I explained how it wasnt normal at all for the chins to do that...I said that much of the time the chewing is due to malnutrition.
This concerns me, this is the first I've heard that "much of the time it's malnutrition." In my experience it is often from boredom or genetics. I hope he didn't take that information the way I read it several times, that fur chewing IS due to malnutrition. Otherwise it could cause problems for innocent people in the future.