I don't know of many (any off hand actually) reputable breeders who use wheels in their breeding cages. Aside from the fact that that wheel is never recommended for chins, and I don't care what breeder uses it, there are issues with having wheels in breeder cages - weight loss, injury to pregnant moms, injury to kits. It's the same thing with having a 3 foot tall cage with kits being born in it. If the mom decides to have the kits on the top shelf and it falls breaking it's neck, it's not the owner that suffers really is it? It's the kit.
I have tried not to get involved in this, but when someone just blatantly ignores good advice, then it irritates me. No one is going to convince you not to breed rescue chins or chins without pedigrees - I've got that. Going over that again and again is truly beating a dead horse because you are going to do what you want to do regardless. But to keep a wheel that is known to catch chins toes in it, break off the toes, and break legs to me is just all kinds of careless. Your chins aren't going to DIE if they don't have a wheel right this second. In fact, they won't die at all. None of mine have them and they seem to do just fine. But saying you are using a dangerous wheel while you wait to have the money for a safe while is like saying, well, I can't afford a safe toy for my child, I'll just give them this knife instead to tide them over.