Breeding/color question.

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Like I said before I do have plans to replace those wheels within the next month as I have already spent over $200 on wheels this month. What angers me is that I was trying to talk about the colors of the 3 beiges which is why I put up the pics in the first place. Not to start a wheel debate. So can we please get back to the subject. Does the mom have oxidation and is that why she is darker on top or is that veiling. I do not think that it is as pronunced in Rapunzel and Yaz and that is what caused my confusion over the Brown Velvet issue so forget the wheel and can we please talk color here...Just look at the girls and ignore the wheel please!
Pookinaround ,
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That being said, if a member sees something obviously wrong concerning the well-being of a chinchilla, something will be said. You can take the information as you wish, but if you want to build a good reputation for yourself and provide the best of care to your animals, blatantly blowing off good advice is not a good way to start.

It is obvious the OP is going to stand where she wants on this wheel issue. It has been addressed and hopefully will take the advice...I don't think saying anything else is going to help the issue, unfortunately.

Let's please get the thread back on topic as continuing on the wheel debate does not seem like it's going to do any good. If the thread continues to get off topic it will have to be closed.
Some beiges have a 'red tipping', which is a common problem in beiges, but it could also be oxidation or just poor clarity. Do you know how her mate's clarity/coloring is? Or her offsprings'?
Rhonda- The pictures are just a tad fuzzy, and dark. It makes it difficult for us to tell one way or another. If you have a more lit place to take a picture try that. We like to look at our animals under show lights. We use daylight bulbs, but more than likely you are not yet set up that way. Even with better lighting and an excellent camera it could still be hard to tell. Like I mentioned earlier there are so many factors like age and air ventilation beiges normally the first to start oxidizing.
I don't know of many (any off hand actually) reputable breeders who use wheels in their breeding cages. Aside from the fact that that wheel is never recommended for chins, and I don't care what breeder uses it, there are issues with having wheels in breeder cages - weight loss, injury to pregnant moms, injury to kits. It's the same thing with having a 3 foot tall cage with kits being born in it. If the mom decides to have the kits on the top shelf and it falls breaking it's neck, it's not the owner that suffers really is it? It's the kit.

I have tried not to get involved in this, but when someone just blatantly ignores good advice, then it irritates me. No one is going to convince you not to breed rescue chins or chins without pedigrees - I've got that. Going over that again and again is truly beating a dead horse because you are going to do what you want to do regardless. But to keep a wheel that is known to catch chins toes in it, break off the toes, and break legs to me is just all kinds of careless. Your chins aren't going to DIE if they don't have a wheel right this second. In fact, they won't die at all. None of mine have them and they seem to do just fine. But saying you are using a dangerous wheel while you wait to have the money for a safe while is like saying, well, I can't afford a safe toy for my child, I'll just give them this knife instead to tide them over.
Ok for the record I have removed the wheels. The reason I chose to do this was because AZ chins shared her touching personal story and also spoke to me in a waaaay more polite and respectful way than others have done. I thought about my response and due to how I was approached regarding the wheel my initial gut reaction was to stand my ground and rebel. So in the grand scheme of things and just my newbie two cents worth is this many of you ought to consider how you approach people in the interest of furthering the greater good as it will get you a lot further with people. So to Nicole you were absolutely right and to AZ thank you! (For the record I am still going to breed Bo but he will be going with me to the Shindig) So to everyone else who likes to just take bits and pieces of what I say and try to configure them their own way just to complain about something I SAY NOTHING AND JUST SHAKE MY HEAD AND SMILE...
Just like real life, on a forum you will get all types of personalities and just like real life you need to deal with it. Why sugar coat advice about a animal getting hurt, most people would have asked OMG WHY? rather than just argue about a unsafe item. Its clear you are going to do what you want, good luck with that.
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There is a biiiig defference between being courteous and respectful towards someone and coddling them. Your as you put it "refusal to sugar coat" something and someone else acting like a civil human being by simply being nice will each individually evoke different responses from someone. Dawn got her response from me and Az Chins and Nicole got theirs. It is what it is and I don't sugar coat either but the difference between you and me Dawn is that I don't purposely try to do it in a mean way.
Alrighty then, since you have already removed the wheels but secretly were giggling about causing strife and arguments on this forum, I see no point in allowing this to continue. You've already decided what you are doing with your breeding as well, which is your choice, so again I see no point in this thread being open.
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