^^ That's the first kit that we named out of the three (Deuce) and he's doing great! I'm sure this is all psychological, but I feel that when we name the kits, or even assign them a letter or number (rather than just "the ebony male, the standard male") they do better...
Not that the others are doing bad, but the one gave me a scare last night-- he must have wandered too far from his substitute-mom/warming-chin and gotten cold... his movements were slowed and he was lethargic... warmed him up with a heating pad and he seems to be ok. Had to warm him up again today... I'm starting to think there may be something neurologically wrong with this one... the mom/babies are housed in a holding cage set on top of three runs... and he took a flying leap out the other day when a friend opened the cage and hit the lip of a lower run with a noticeable *thump* on the way down to the carpet. His movements are just a little off and a little slow. He's eating though and gets around fine, he's coordinated, just has kind of odd movements, like when feeding and stuff. We'll have to see how he does with time.
But the other two are doing great!
Went to pick up Cinder's ashes today....this is the urn I ordered... and seeing the dimensions on the computer versus in person... it's huge!
So, from tv, I kinda thought the ashes would be, well, ash.... it's more or less some ash with lots of bone fragments... in case anyone is curious... [the first picture shows actual color, the second picture is without the flash, but it's more focused]
Nice little certificate I got with the stuff...