2 days after having babies, bleeding from vagina

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I'm no chin expert,but it sounds like you are really on top of things. Also I thought I would mention(I know in humans anyway)that you may want to keep an extra eye on the babies weights and nursing.Just being anemic,not to mention the stress of the surgery,but she has also lost her uterus and ovaries(important parts in milk production/hormone cycle) any one of which could decrease or even stop her milk production.Travel safely and keep us up to date.
I hope she has a speedy recovery! Best wishes for all!
I will definitely be watching the kits closely (and mom!) when they're all brought back here. The vet said that they thought she would still have milk (I asked, because there was a reason I wasn't a biology major) but they said they thought I should handfeed (or at least supplement what mom's doing with handfeeding) anyway, even if she does still manage to have milk. That's likely what I'll do, I don't want mom to be any more stressed than she probably already is. The kind of amusing thing is that I just finished handfeeding a litter for 8 weeks, and when these were born and started gaining, I was so happy that she had gotten in milk. Funny how life turns things around.

I will post an update tomorrow after the vet calls and lets me know how she's doing. Fingers crossed that things are going well....
Chances are that she will be able to nurse without too much of a problem. Be prepared for her milk drying up, but don't be too surprised if she can nurse the little ones until they are weaned. I've heard of mamas having milk after a complete spay after a c-section. She will have to be on antibiotics, but normally it's just for a week and it won't hurt the babies or compromise them enough to keep them from nursing. I'd put probiotics in their food until they are weaned though just in case they get too much antibiotic through the milk.

Good job at getting her in to see the vet and not just doing a wait and see! :D You are awesome. :)
Well that's good to hear. I do have all the stuff that I need here to handfeed at a moment's notice (which I admit I didn't the last time...) in the event they do appear to need a helping hand or don't seem to be gaining how I'd like.

That's a good idea about the probiotics, I will do that. I have lifeline, could the babies have some of that if they would eat it? I'll do probiotics regardless, but I was just curious.

This vet is a good one, but there are moments when I worry regardless, but when they called me to said that they put her under (I know they told me why, I can't remember now, maybe for the blood draw?), the vet told me that the sedative (I don't know if it's called a sedative--what they used to put her under) was one that wouldn't likely pass through to the milk in any way.... which I can't say I even considered that, but I thought it was good that they considered that.

Haha thanks. I know my luck, and in my experience, things typically get worse, rather than better, if I leave them and see what happens. And like with chinchillas, when you're dealing with a live animal, I would hate to ever think, "well if only I'd taken them in sooner."

Like I'm one of those type of people where even if I feel sick for a week, I'm not likely to go to the doctor until I'm at deaths' door because it's always the day that I make the appt that I start to feel better... and I'm like well if I wait and see I'll get better... but that said, I also know what's going on and that I don't feel well and I may have a vague idea of what's wrong... and that has landed me in the hospital with a life-threatening kidney infection once because of that "wait and see attitude." But I think the difference is that I can tell if I'm sort of sick or getting a cold versus really ill.....versus a chinchilla that can't tell us when things are "sort-of-wrong" or "rush-me-to-the-emergency-vet-at-3-am-wrong"... and I would much rather be safer than sorry with them.
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I'd rather have the vet laugh at me for being way too overprotective than to have something happen to one of the chins that could have been treated had I gone to the vet sooner. :) I actually did have a vet laugh at me on multiple occasions...he was a jerk, but he knew chins...

I would put my own health at risk more readily than the animals, that's for sure! I hate going to the doctor so much...I'm right with you there.

They probably just used the gas to knock her out...that wouldn't affect the babies at all.
Glad to know I'm not the only one...

Random thought... I brought the babies with mom to the vet. It wasn't like I was thinking at the time, I just piled them all in the carrier and off they went, like it didn't register to me I was bringing in four chins (albeit, one much bigger than the others) when I called and said that I was bringing in a female that had delivered a few days ago. I just assumed I'd bring the babies as well. So that brings me to my question - if you go to the vet for a problem with a female that has unweaned kits, do you take the babies with the mother, or leave them at home (with the proper heating pad and handfeeding)? I don't know what the common practice is.

When I got to the vet, I did tell them that there were three kits in the carrier along with mom, so they wouldn't somehow miss them, but they didn't really say anything, so I don't know if other people do that or if people just bring in the mom....
I take them with the mom, or at least I have just about every time I have ever had a problem. I thought that that was standard practice. Sometimes the mom will be at the vet the entire day in a carrier so the babies should be there. It's less stressful for the babies and the mom just to keep them together.
Ok, that's what I figured, but I just wasn't sure because my friend (the one going with me out of town today) had asked me why I hadn't just kept the babies here because he noted that I could have handfed them for the day like I had with the last litter... and that got me thinking that I wasn't positive what it was that everyone else did.
Maybe some other people do it differently. I'm not sure! :D They may keep them at home.

I like taking the babies in anyway...the vet techs like seeing them! The vet thinks they are the cutest little things ever... How could I deprive the clinic staff of little buhbuhs?
Haha totally. They'd be missing out! On that note, when I took the mom in, I just went up to the front desk and filled out the releases and they took her, and I could hear someone (apparently the on-call vet from last night) say "she called in last night, said the chin was bleeding, I've seen this before, it may just be a simple infection" and the other one responded and I heard something to the extent of "can you get her out?" and the other one was like "looook!" I suppose that was when they saw the babies, because that "look" was quickly followed by "awwwwwwww"s. Haha. They are adorable.

My mind clearly can't wrap itself around when a pet is gone temporarily. Like if I board my dog somewhere, my mind wants to still take her out to potty before I go to bed, even though she's not here, and I will get as far as looking around the house and checking her crate before I realize... ... I have wanted to go and pet mom and babies all night since I got back, and then I get to the cage and I'm like oh yeah, they're at the vet.
I've been following along with your post. It has been a very valuable tool to any of us who have had a female chin give birth.

Yesterday my standard female gave birth to quads. I had my back up formula ready and all the things you might think of to prepare. However this is something I've not heard of.

I'm very sorry your girl had to have surgery. Faced with this problem I would have done the same.
May your chin mom be blessed with a speedy recovery. Let us know how she improves.
I got a call from the vet just now. Cinder passed during the night, they thought the anemia was just too much for her. I have to go get the babies tomorrow.
Some pictures of my baby. :cry3: I'm getting her back and going to get her cremated.




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