Thank you. It's hard, and this was actually the second litter I've had to recently handfeed (I just finished handfeeding a trio of kits who did all make it - mom didn't get in milk... but they also didn't have any issues taking to the water bottle like you're having). Good luck with your pregnant female, hopefully this time around will go better for you.
Yeah, you can put kits with another female. I actually would have put them with one of my males from a colony cage, but because of a crabby female who wanted to "protect him" *rolls eyes*, I couldn't get him out. Just for example, if you had a female who had milk and her own litter, you could even attempt to put other kits (not hers) with her if something happened to the mom and she'd likely nurse all of them. In my situation, it was more that I wanted there to be a chin that the babies could snuggle with and keep warm with, because I didn't have another female who was nursing kits. And I don't think any of my chins are pregnant (or far along if they are) at the moment so I think I'll get to have a break from the kit-related problems for a little while... again, good luck!