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  1. Sanya

    Closed eye

    Thanks! He has escherichia coli, my vet just called me and tell me results. She recommended Tobrex if I can found it, Tobramycin (active formula).
  2. Sanya

    Closed eye

    Hi. My chin has closed eye with some white pus (dunk, discharged - sorry my english is bad). I called my vet, she recommended saline solution and dexamethasone neomycin drops. Are this drops good for chins? Thanks
  3. Sanya

    2 male chins fighting

    Hi. I have 2 male chins, about 1.5 years old and they weight 420g and 730g and live in same cage. Last night small one started to jump on bigger one, and they released sounds like you are arguing. Fur was everywhere. I let them out, small chased bigger one. I closed them, and they calmed down...
  4. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    I took him to a new vet just now and she looks more promising then the first one. She measured his temperature and she said its fine (36.8c / 98.2fh). For the xray she said she cant be sure if the tooth is hitting the eye, she thinks the xray was taken at an angle. She looked closely into his...
  5. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    Ok i'll keep pellets in the cage, i took them out because the fat one doesnt know when to stop eating, he just doesnt take his head out of the bowl until its empty. Yeah the temperature is at the limits, 68-75 fh, its (very warm)winter and i open the windows and turn off the heating but still...
  6. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    I contacted another vet in my area by email. Dont know who to listen anymore, everyone says something different :/ New vet and someone else said xrays are terrible (the image itself) while others say its good, also someone sad it doesnt look that bad, while others my chin is almost dead. New...
  7. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    "it's a great xray representing malo" So how severe is it ? On other images i saw the teeth are covering the whole eye socket and on mine they barely touch it. How much time does he have ? I read2-3 stories where teeth went back to normal, is it possible it will happen to my chin ? Is it too...
  8. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    He did xray, gave him 2 shots (Cobactan 0.2ml and Cortisone 0.3ml) and wake him up with another shot but I don't know what was that.
  9. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    Also right now its been 8h since he was under anesthesia (by shot, not gas). He moves slowly and doesnt open his eyes more then 1mm. He peed(?) 4-6 times since then and drank water once. He chewed hard his treat on a wooden stick (both the treat and a stick). Ate some hay and mixed food also...
  10. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    Before both fit's happened he got in to the cage himself and had spasm in there. I didnt give him a raisin first time because as i said he completely recovered fast and stayed inside the cage. We let him out of the cage ~12h later but for shorter time. We basically let them out whenever they...
  11. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    During this playtime he and other chin ate very little, and i didnt give them raisin that day. I gave him one and a half during seizure, as i read i should multiple time on the internet. It seamed to make him better. -- Two of you said "consider quality of life" what do you mean by that ? So...
  12. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    So does my xray look really that bad ? When i compare it to other xray from internet to me my xray looks great, or at least the condition is the early stages ? "but you may want to highly consider your chin's quality of life" sorry but what do you mean by that ? I need to put him down, or i...
  13. Sanya

    Chin had a long seizure, took him to the vet, have an xray,need an opinion

    A week after we got him he had a seizure for 3-4 minutes. We thought he was done for, but he suddenly continued with his usual business and was cheerful. After a month he had a problem with his right eye. He would close it sometimes and sometimes it would look fine. Eye didn't look wet...