I took him to a new vet just now and she looks more promising then the first one.
She measured his temperature and she said its fine (36.8c / 98.2fh).
For the xray she said she cant be sure if the tooth is hitting the eye, she thinks the xray was taken at an angle.
She looked closely into his mouth with some tools, and said his teeth, inside skin and throat are great.
She looked closely at his both eyes (she opened them wide), and she didn't find any signs of infection. She thinks maybe something got into his eye and he made it worse by scratching or something.
Just for comparison at the first vet, they told me because the xray is very expensive (the price of a new chin) they should just give him some antibiotics and hope for the best. They looked at me strangely because i still wanted xray.
When they needed to measure him to determine the dosage for anesthesia they measured him with his portable cage and measured 800g. They would have went with that weight if i didn't tell the lady that was measuring him she needs to subtract the weight of the cage first. Sad thing is human doctors here aren't any better :/
She (new vet) also gave him a shot of vitamin b (thiamin) and gave me a syringe with a mix of minerals and vitamins to give him 0.5ml per day. She said to just put it in water and that the fat (healthy) one wont mind drinking it. Picture of syringe: