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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Jill of Beans

    grooming alot...

    None of the guys from me have been neutered. I had thought Snickers MAY have been neutered, because his haven't "dropped" - but Monika informed me that he hadn't been.
  2. Jill of Beans

    Rescue 'before and afters'?

    I rescued Jack Voulet from who knows what exactly. He was in sad condition from a fight he was in over 2 weeks ago. He had one eye open when I got him, has numerous bites on his back, ears and his mouth is messed up too... attacked and after I picked him up we stopped at the vet - for...
  3. Jill of Beans

    Washing Liners

  4. Jill of Beans

    Oreo & Snickers

    Such Cuties....I miss the guys!!! They look great!!
  5. Jill of Beans

    critter cookies??

    I don't remember WHO I got them from - and actually think they were a sample someone included in an order I placed. Sorry I'm such little help. I also emailed you some additional information.
  6. Jill of Beans


    I can't remember exactly I think it was around $30-35 or so - it's an awesome wheel....SUPER quiet...try and send her a PM.
  7. Jill of Beans


    Michelle....they DO love that stinking wheel - Snickers ALWAYS has....and Soot just followed along. Jack DOES use the wheel at night - and sometimes during the day - I've caught him in the act - and MAN does he really run. I'm glad he's out of the house and I miss all of the boys so very much!
  8. Jill of Beans


    The wheel that you have was made by a member here on the forum; S & C's Chin She made it and brought it to the York Show for me. You could possibly PM her about getting her to make some for you.
  9. Jill of Beans

    Which house?! I need help, i'm new lol!

    I can't seem to access the link. :(
  10. Jill of Beans

    FN cage questions

    You can call Midwest Homes for Pets and let them know you are in need of a replacement piece (pieces if need be). This is a link to their assembly guide, which shows the pieces and what the company calls them. It's helpful to have...
  11. Jill of Beans

    Chin Hut- by super pet

    I had bought this for my boys and they destroyed the entire thing in just one night...I hope they had fun. Good Luck with your repair....any chance you can return it?
  12. Jill of Beans

    A few questions about FN142

    Becca, It was great seeing you - don't forget - you can get a tile at Home Depot and put that OVER the opening and your chins can use it to chin chill on!!
  13. Jill of Beans

    A few questions about FN142

    Rebecca, Sorry no one has posted here - I PM'd you. Maybe you can stop by and see my set up - to get some ideas.
  14. Jill of Beans

    Putting wood screws in

    I drill a hole and then put in the hanger bolts.
  15. Jill of Beans

    I need help on cages

    There is a Ferrert cage *not sure if its is FN or CN on Baltimore CL - and it's already babyproofed with the hardware cloth on it....I can't access from here at work - but thought I'd share.
  16. Jill of Beans

    My recovering babies

    I'm at work - can't see the pics....what vet do you use?
  17. Jill of Beans

    OH boy..(literally!)

    Am I reading this right? I've never bred chins, nor have I raised them from birth - but .6cc's or .5cc (point 6 or point 5) doesn't seem like very much at all. I know 5cc (same as 5ml) is one teaspoon, and I'm just concerned....
  18. Jill of Beans

    Its a bird, its a plane...

    I have a question....I've been thinking of getting a saucer, but how do I know what SIZE to get? Standard, Small or Large???
  19. Jill of Beans

    Farrah Fawcett

    I missed it - but found it on Verizon and was able to DVR it - it's showing tonight again at 11 (eastern time) - I think on MSNBC and tomorrow on another channel.
  20. Jill of Beans

    New Babies

    So CUTE!! I have to agree - I love the last picture also!!