She's gonna blow!!!!

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Can't wait to see what babies she has, here I have two females that are due soon because I have felt their babies kicking and kicking, so hopefully I see some babies soon, I haven't had any babies born since february, so I am very impatient now
She needs to pop these babies out!!! Im so anxious!!!!

Caps necessary!
yep...still no babies. We had a talk this morning to which she replied with a long stream of kacking and threatening. We shall see who wins. Last night she was stretching and couldn't get comfortable...put my hand on her belly and there were babies tumbling, kicking and twitching literally ALL across her belly.
I thought for sure she would have them by now! I keep checking up on this thread every time I get online, and then I also check it from my phone!
We have!!! No babies! :( They are still kicking and squirming and active. I took her out for a run in the bathroom today and she was wall surfing and having a blast...I even let her dust because she was looking a bit worse for ware. She was not happy with being caught and not allowed to continue her playtime though, lol.
Oh man....I saw you posted and got SO fair teasing us!! Here's hoping those babies make their appearance SOON!
Tease! How is it that she can still wall surf with that big belly? Give her a scritch form me.
I can only assume she is wall surfing hoping that will pop those babies out. Or at the very least giving them a dose of their own medicine (kits uterine surfing)
I have a huge standard that is doing the same thing to me. :hair: She's over 1100 grams now, and has never been more than just over 1000 with twins. She's with a new male, and he better not throw trips or quads! I like twins, max. Your girl's pic made me smile, because my poor girl looks just as big & uncomfortable too. I hope I'm headed home to a new litter, but she looked pretty resolved this AM to NOT have any kits today. Maybe she's trying to fake me out so I don't stare at her so much?:impatient:

I think I'll tell her its a race, with a bonus treat if she beats your girl to delivery! Then I'll rub her belly, give her a dust bath, take her for a bumpy car ride?! Here's hoping we both have beautiful, healthy litters to report by this time tomorrow, though yours will be much more colorful than mine.

Good luck!! :thumbsup:
I can't believe that she hasn't popped yet! Poor thing! LOL, this is definately a highly anticipated litter, for all of us! :hair: